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gen. Saat; Saatgut; Same; Samen; säen; Aussaat
comp., MS Startwert
fig. Keim

noun | noun | noun | verb | to phrases
seed [si:d] n
gen. Saat f; Saatgut n; Same m; Samen m; säen; Aussaat f
agric. Sämereien f; Samenkorn n; Saat- und Pflanzgut; Saatgut pl.; Korn n; Saatgetreide n; Saatkorn n; sieben; durchsieben; besamen; befruchten; Samen- m; Saatgut- n; verteilen; aussieben
comp., MS Startwert m (An initial value used to generate pseudorandom numbers)
construct. Bläschen n (glass defect); Gispe f (glass defect)
earth.sc., el. Impfkristall n; Kristallkeim m
econ. pflanzen
industr. Streuausrüstung ( Mineraldünger; u.s.w. ); Streuausrüstung Mineraldünger;пром. u.s.w.
industr., construct. pflanzliche Unreinheit
industr., construct., met. Bläschen n; Gispe f
med. aussäen
microel. Saatkristall m
nat.res. animpfen
nucl.pow. Spickelement n
phys. Zuchtkeim
stat., IT Ausgangszahl f
tech. Saatelement n; Keim m; Kern m
радиогр. Seed m; Kapillare f; Hohlnadel f
seeds n
agric. Samen zur Aussaat
seed biology [si:d] n
environ. Samen m
to seed [si:d] n
law, pharma. überimpfen
seed product [si:d] n
environ. Saatgut n
seed of unrest, change [si:d] n
fig. Keim m
seed [si:d] n
commun. Anfangswert m (in memory); Keim m (CRC, image processing)
opt. Bläschen n (in glass); Gispe f (in the glass); Steinchen n (in the glass)
seeds n
gen. Saatgut n; sät; Körner m; Samen m; Pflanzgut n; Sämereien f
seed [si:d] v
comp., MS Seeding ausführen (To add a database, either a blank database or a copy of the production database, to the storage group copy. This becomes the baseline database for the passive copy of the storage group)
construct. sich aussamen
tech. entkernen; impfen
 English thesaurus
SEEDS abbr.
abbr. Self Employment And Entrepreneurial Development System; Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society (Vladimir71)
abbr., astronaut. Space Exposed Experiment Developed for Students (NASA)
abbr., ed. Special Education Electronic Data System; Supporting Early Elementary Development Skills
abbr., ed., scient. Social Ecological Economic Development Studies; Student Environmental Educators Doing Service
abbr., environ. Society Environment Energy Development Study
abbr., space Space Engineering Educational Satellite
tech. ship's electrical and electronics data systems
seed [si:d] n
comp., MS To add a database, either a blank database or a copy of the production database, to the storage group copy. This becomes the baseline database for the passive copy of the storage group
SEED [si:d] abbr.
abbr. Savings For Education Entrepreneurship And Downpayment; Self Evaluation For Effective Decision-making; Shop For Equipment And Expendables Day; Social Economic And Environmental Development; Spirit Of Entrepreneurship And Enterprise Development; Support for East European Democracy; Support For Eastern European Democracy; Sustainable Enterprise And Empowerment Dynamics; Sustainable Enterprise Enabling Development; Scholars For Empowerment And Educational Development; Student Enhancement Enrichment And Development
abbr., avia. sound energy flux density
abbr., commun. self-electro-optic device
abbr., ed. Schools For Educational Evolution And Development; Science Education And Economic Development; Seeking Education Equity And Diversity; Seeking Educational Equity And Diversity
abbr., ed., scient. Special Early Enrollment Day; Students Ending Environmental Destruction; Students For Enterprise Educational Development; Scottish Executive Education Department; Spreading Educator To Educator Development; Spreading Educator To Educator Developments
abbr., el. self-electro-optic-effect device; self-explaining extended DBMS; software engineering environment development
abbr., environ. Sustainable Energy For Economic Development
abbr., fin. System for the Exchange of Excise Data
abbr., med. Superior Evident Evolutionary Destined
abbr., mil. Self Electro-optic Effect Device (as in FET SEED)
abbr., mil., avia. self-electrooptical effect device
abbr., mus. Student Exhibit Of Experimental Dance
abbr., opt. self-electro-optic effect device
abbr., org.name. Service for Exchange of Economic Data
abbr., relig. Superior Evolutionary Element Destined; Supreme Elemental Evolution Destined
abbr., st.exch. Save Earn Enjoy Deposits
abbr., UN Social Ecological And Economic Development
mil. safe eye exposure distance; supply of essential engineering data
seed. abbr.
abbr., tech. second
seed To add a database, either a blank database or a copy of the production database, to the storage group copy. This becomes the baseline database for the passive copy of the storage group [si:d] abbr.
abbr., comp., MS lhM ¼cht½
: 1442 phrases in 45 subjects
Artificial intelligence1
Emergency medical care1
Fat-and-oil industry1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Food industry35
Foreign trade8
Health care3
International trade1
Life sciences22
Medical appliances1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation17
Natural sciences56
Pharmacy and pharmacology9
Piezoelectric crystals1
Textile industry4