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 English thesaurus
RMP abbr.
abbr. Records Management Plan; Risk Management Program; Ram My Posterior; Roche Macaulay And Partners; Royal Mounted Police; Royal Malaysia Police (igisheva)
abbr., avia. Rampart, Alaska USA; Risk Mitigation Plan; radio management panel; reliability monitoring program; remote maintenance panel; rigging methodology plan; radio and audio management panel; remote management panel; reversible motor pump; right middle plug
abbr., BrE regimental medical post
abbr., commun. Reverse Movement Protection
abbr., comp. Reliable Multicast Protocol (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., IT Reprogrammable Micro Processor
abbr., earth.sc. Raman Microprobe; rate measuring package
abbr., ed., scient. Records Management Program
abbr., el. reentry measurement program; routing and management protocol
abbr., file.ext. Remote Maintenance Processor (IBM)
abbr., forestr. refiner mechanical pulp
abbr., IT Real Metadata Packet; RealAudio Audio file
abbr., math., scient. Random Matching Probability
abbr., med. ASHP Resident Matching Program; right mentoposterior (fetal position); Resting Membrane Potential; right mento-posterior (harser); Regional Medical Program; right mentoposterior position (of the fetus); right mid pole (щитовидная железа Ying)
abbr., med.appl. right mid pole (щитовидная железа Ying)
abbr., mil. Re-programmable Microprocessor; Risk Management Plan; Royal Military Police; Radar Modernization Program; reprogrammable processor (Киселев); religious ministry professional
abbr., mil., air.def. radar modernization plan; recognized maritime picture
abbr., mil., avia. radar modernization program
abbr., mil., WMD The Ralph M. Parsons Company Pasadena, CA
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. reservoir management plan; reservoir management program
abbr., O&G, sakh. Reservoir Management Plans (Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. reservoir management plan, program
abbr., oil rated maximum pressure; raw manometer pressure; royalty management program
abbr., org.name. Performance Management and Monitoring Division
abbr., pharma. reference measurement procedure (iwona)
abbr., phys., scient. Reviews in Mathematical Physics
abbr., police Radio Motor Patrol; Radio Motor Patrol Car
abbr., progr. reliable multicast protocol (ssn)
abbr., scottish Recognised Maritime Picture; Reprogrammable Micro-Processor; Risk Minimumization Program; Rocket & Machine gun Pod
abbr., space reprogrammable microprocessor; resource management protocol; rocket motor propellant; root mean power
abbr., st.exch. Register Market Participant
abbr., tradem. Ralph M. Parsons Company; Rocky Mountain Photographer; Rocky Mountain Photographers; Rural Market Place
abbr., transp. Rotorcraft Master Plan
abbr., water.suppl. Resource Management Plan (BLM)
Apollo-Soyuz rod misalignment potentiometer
energ.ind. risk mitigation; risk mitigation phase
mil. range maintenance plan; research management plan; retiree mobilization program; rocket motor plume
RMP -- abbr.
abbr. reservoir management plan; reservoir management program
rmp abbr.
biotechn. recombinant multi-point (paseal)
O&G revolutions per minute