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gen. Aktenmappe; Aktentasche; Geschäftsbereich; Künstlermappe; Mappe; Portefeuille
busin. Portfolio
| System
gen. Methode
| for
gen. während
| Institutional
tech. institutionell
| Traders
fin. Wirtschaftsbeteiligte
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
portfolio [pɔ:t'fəulɪəu] n
gen. Aktenmappe f; Aktentasche f; Geschäftsbereich m; Künstlermappe f; Mappe f; Portefeuille n; Zeichenmappe f; Ministeramt n (Geschäftsbereich)
brit. Ressort n
busin. Portfolio n
commun. Umschlag m
comp., MS Portfolio n (A list of projects within an organization that may share common management of scope, budget, or resources)
econ. Geschäftsbereich m (z.B. eines Ministers); Portefeuille n (Bestand an Wertpapieren, Wechseln usw einer Bank); Wechselportefeuille n (Bestand an Wertpapieren, Wechseln usw einer Bank)
ed. Lernmappe
law Bestand m; Besitz m
market. Wertpapierbestand m (e-r Firma oder Person)
market., fin. Wertschriftenportefeuille n; Wertschriftenbestand m
polygr. Kollektion f
press portfolio [pɔ:t'fəulɪəu] n
gen. Pressemappe f
portfolios n
patents. Mappen f
 English thesaurus
portfolio [pɔ:t'fəulɪəu] abbr.
abbr., inf. folio (Technical)
IT The process of actually entering transactions into computerized or manual files (Posting transactions might immediately update the master files or may result in memo posting, in which the transactions are accumulated over a period of time and then applied to master file updating)
Portfolio System: 2 phrases in 2 subjects