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OK [əu'keɪ] adj.
gen. einverstanden; genehmigt; gut
OK coll.: not too badly [əu'keɪ] adj.
gen. einigermaßen gut
OK [əu'keɪ] abbr.
abbr. in Ordnung; ok; richtig; okay; Zustimmung
abbr., avia. correct; Czechoslovak Airlines (CSA)
abbr., el. optical klystron; okay
abbr., food.ind. Orrin Kendall
abbr., geol., scient. Old Keokuk
abbr., inet. Off to Kinderhook
abbr., mil. Operation Klar
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (former Czechoslovakia)
abbr., slang o'kay
abbr., st.exch. Old Kent Financial Corporation
abbr., USA Ohio and Kentucky; Old Kentucky; Oklahoma (US state)
tech. oscillating klystron; owner's risk
 English thesaurus
OK [əu'keɪ] abbr.
abbr. O-kay (all right)
abbr., busin. all correct; all approval; all right; approval; approved
abbr., earth.sc. Oceanographic Committee; Oklahoma; ordinary kriging method; orthorombic kalsilite
abbr., nautic. outer keel
abbr., oil odorless kerosene
OK. abbr.
abbr., econ. all correct
: 18 phrases in 3 subjects