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NE [en'i:] abbr.
abbr. northeast
polygr. Neuauflage f
ne [en'i:] adj.
gen. geborener
 English thesaurus
NE [en'i:] abbr.
abbr. naval engineer
abbr., busin. news editor; no error; not enough; not entry; not to exceed
abbr., earth.sc. nebulite; needles; nuclear engineer
abbr., econ. no effects
abbr., food.ind. niacin equivalent (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., oil natural exhaust; nearly everywhere; nepheline; network economy; nitroethylene; nonemulsifying agent; northeastern; not equal to; not essential; not examined
abbr., space natural environment
abbr., sport., physiol. noradrenaline
abbr., stat. non-estimable (Niedre)
abbr., textile national economy; net earnings
NE [en'i:] abbr.
abbr. National Education; Nebraska; Nepali; New England; New Executive; No Excuses; Non Exempt; Nameless Ensign; Naval Escort; Network Edition; Network Encryption; Network Engineers; Neurological Equivalent; New Everything; New Executable; Nippon Electric; Nissan Engine; Noble Drilling Corporation; Non Endorsed; Non Exchange; North-East; North-Eastern; northeast; Not Enrolled; North East; northeastern
abbr., agric. net energy
abbr., astronaut. Nuclear Electric
abbr., avia. notice of exception; notification of escapement
abbr., avia., med. norepinephrine
abbr., chem. arterenol
abbr., chem., scient. Neon; Non Equilibrium; Nuclear Energy; Number Of Electrons
abbr., comp., net., IT Network Equipment
abbr., ed., scient. Not Evaluated
abbr., el. not equal (to); negative edge; noise eliminator; node encryption; noise equivalent; noise erase; nonessential
abbr., el., scient. Number of Elements
abbr., footb. New England Patriots
abbr., gastroent. necrotic enteritis (Игорь_2006)
abbr., geogr. Nebraska (Vosoni)
abbr., IT Network Element; New Entry; No Exception
abbr., law No Evidence
abbr., meteorol. Nerve Ending; Nerve Excitation; Neurologic Examination; Neurological Examination; nephropathia epidemica; not engaged; not enlarged
abbr., mil. No Excuse; Near-Earth
abbr., mus. New Edition
abbr., nautic. northeast (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nautic., obs. NO (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. normally energised
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. navigational equipment
abbr., oil epithermal neutron log; non-emulsifying (agent)
abbr., polit. Niger; Niue
abbr., polym. noneffective; not exceeding
abbr., scottish Nebraska (US state)
abbr., sport. Not Eligible
abbr., stat. not estimable (paseal)
abbr., swiss. Neuchâ (сокр. франкоязычный кантон на западе Швейцарии. Столица — город Невшатель. 'More); tel ('More)
abbr., tech. northeast, northeastern
energ.ind. non-equilibrium; nonequilibrium; nuclear equipment
meteorol. non-effective
mil. national emergency; Navy evaluation; not explosive; nuclear engineering; nuclear explosion; nuclear explosive
physiol. Nerve ending
tech. nonemulsifying; normally energized
NE% abbr.
abbr., med. NEUT% (MichaelBurov); neutrophils (MichaelBurov); relative neutrophil count (MichaelBurov); relative neutrophil level (MichaelBurov)
NE# abbr.
abbr., med. absolute neutrophil count (MichaelBurov); absolute neutrophil level (MichaelBurov)
Ne [en'i:] abbr.
abbr. neutrophil granulocytes; neon; native
abbr., earth.sc. neotocite
abbr., space number of engines
tech. electron density
Ne. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Neocomian
abbr., libr. native
: 16 phrases in 7 subjects
Criminal law2
Information technology2
Medical appliances2