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comp. logische Verbindungssteuerung
 English thesaurus
LLC abbr.
abbr. Living Learning Center; London Lund Corpus; Low Low Costs; Licenced Language Consultant (Alex Lilo)
abbr., anat. lower lateral cartilage (Desdichado)
abbr., auto. long life coolant (Vereschagin Верещагин); lean limit control
abbr., avia. logical logic link control
abbr., chem. lowest lethal concentration (lyrarosa)
abbr., comp., net., IT Last Logical Communication; Linearly Locally Connected
abbr., econ. long-lead contract
abbr., ed. Living And Learning Center
abbr., el. logical link control; large lattice constant; L-bus LAN controller; limited-liability company; link layer control (ler)
abbr., inet. Laughing Like Crazy
abbr., IT Low Level Code
abbr., law Life Long Commitment
abbr., leg.ent.typ. limited liability company (A limited liability company (LLC) is the United States-specific form of a private limited company. It is a business structure that combines the pass-through taxation of a partnership or sole proprietorship with the limited liability of a corporation. An LLC is not a corporation; it is a legal form of a company that provides limited liability to its owners in many jurisdictions. WK. ABBREVIATION for Limited Liability Company: a form of company in the US whose owners are not legally responsible for the company's debts if those debts are above a particular amount: "State law requires LLCs to produce annual reports. CBED Alexander Demidov); limited liability company (Vosoni)
abbr., med. Lewis Lung Carcinoma; Lymphocytic Leukemia; Lake Louise Criteria
abbr., mil. Logical Link Control
abbr., mil., avia. lift-plus-lift/cruise
abbr., nano lyotropic liquid crystal; lytrotropic liquid crystal
abbr., oil liquid level controller
abbr., physiol. Least Likely to Cure; Long Leg Cast
abbr., physiol., med. Least Likely To Cure; Long leg cast
abbr., polym. liquid level control
abbr., scient. Limited Liability Corp
abbr., sport. Luxury Lightweight Camping
abbr., telecom. Low Layer Compatibility (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., tradem. Lyons, Lee, And Converse
mil. limited life component; long lines coordination
tech. liquid-liquid chromatography
LLC abbr.
abbr. logical link control protocol; logical link control sublayer
abbr., automat. low level controls (lxu5)
abbr., earth.sc. land-locked countries; lima limestone conglomerate; liquid-liquid chromatograph; lower layer component
abbr., oil line link connector; lower levee complex
abbr., space lift-lift/cruise; logic link control
lLC abbr.
stratigr. late Lower Cretaceous (поздний нижний мел doc090)
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