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GRT abbr.
abbr. gross register tons
 English thesaurus
GRT abbr.
abbr. Gross Registered Tons; gross register tons; gross register ton; Gulf Radiation Technology
abbr., avia. Gujrat, Pakistan
abbr., busin. guarantee
abbr., clin.trial. group-randomized trial (iwona)
abbr., comp., net., IT Generic Real Time
abbr., earth.sc. gas phase residence times; generalized random transform
abbr., ed. Gardenfors Ramsey Test
abbr., el. gamma ray telescope; ground-received time
abbr., int.transport. gross registered tonnage (Yuriy83)
abbr., IT general-purpose terminal; generic run-time
abbr., mil. Gear For Rugged Training; Gross Register Tonnage
abbr., mil., avia. glass-reinforced teflon
abbr., nautic. Gross Restricted Tonnage
abbr., O&G Greifswald Receiving Terminal (MichaelBurov); Greifswald Terminal (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. guidance review team
abbr., oil generalization of random transform; gamma ray tool; generalized Radon transform; geometrical ray theory
abbr., refrig. germanium resistance thermometer
abbr., shipb. gross register tonnage unit of measurement (Val_Ships)
abbr., space glassfiber-reinforced thermosets
abbr., sport. Gumbo Racing Team
abbr., st.exch. Glimcher Realty Trust
abbr., transp. Gross Registered Tonnage; Group Rapid Transit; gross registered tonnage
sms, IT Great
tech. galactic radio telescope; gamma-ray telescope; general reactor technology; general relativity theory; giant radio telescope; great radio telescope
grt abbr.
abbr. gross registered tons; Gross registered tonnage (ship)
abbr., oil gross register tonnage
Grt abbr.
abbr. granite; grant
GRT: 1 phrase in 1 subject