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gen. Es; Eis; Eisis; Eses; E
abbr. east

to phrases
E [i:] abbr.
gen. Es; Eis; Eisis; Eses; E
abbr. east
e- abbr.
ed. elektronisch
hi.energ. Elektron; negativ geladenes Elektron; Negatron; Negaton; e-
e+ abbr.
hi.energ. Positron; positiv geladenes Elektron; Antielektron; e+; Positon
 English thesaurus
E [i:] abbr.
abbr. East; experiment; damping; Edinburgh; Egypt; elastic modulas; elastivity; electric field strength; European; experimental design; extrusion; hoist assembly; irradiance; limite elastique; rain with snow; voltage; Young's modulus; Economic; Employment; England; Enterprises; Europe; average energy; E-display; Earl; Easter; Eastern Standard Time; Eastern Standard Time Zone; Eavesdropping; Effort; elasticity; Election; electromotive force (Vosoni); Electrophoresis; Empathizing; Employee; Empty; Encouragement; Encryption; engineer; Engineered; English Patent; Enhanced; Eni, S. P. A.; Enlightenment; Enterprising; Entrepreneur; Entrepreneurial; Equalizer; equator; equatorial; Erotica; Espionage; estimated; estimated weight; Ethical; Ethics; Evaporites (soil type); Everlasting; Evil; Evocative; Examine; Excellence; excentricity; Excruciating; Exempt; Experiment; Exponential (Vosoni); Eyebrow; Eyesight; neutron energy; primary energy input to heat pump plant
abbr., agric. enteric; enzyme; erythrocite
abbr., auto. Economy; economy mode; estate; exhaust
abbr., avia. electronic/electronics; electronic counter countermeasure; electronic reconnaissance; effectivity; electrical; elevator; escalation; experience; eastern longitude
abbr., avia., med. environment
abbr., biol. glutamic acid
abbr., busin. each; eagle; early; earthquake; easily; economic; economics; elder; electric; electricity; embarkation; embassy; emergency; end; endurance; enemy; engine; engineer; England; English; entrance; envoy; enzyme; equator; equivalent; essential; ester; estimated; Europe; evening; Excellency; excellent; experimental; exposure; illumination
abbr., cartogr. eastern
abbr., chem. eddy diffusivity; enzyme unit; explosive
abbr., chem., scient. Energy
abbr., cinema Everyone
abbr., commer. Egyptian
abbr., commun. extraordinary wave; 1 TE = 5.08 mm width unit; Erlang
abbr., comp. executing (SideWays)
abbr., construct. modulus of elasticity
abbr., dril. eroded; Engler degree
abbr., earth.sc. echo; emitter; enstatite; Eocene epoch; eotvos unit; epidote; equatorial; erbium; esker; eucrite; evaporation; even; explosion index; extraordinary ray; modulus of elasticity; seismic wave energy, ergs
abbr., ed., scient. English; Excellent
abbr., el. enamel; equalizer; European; redox potential; electric-field strength; exclusive; experimental; emitter
abbr., el., scient. Electric; Electronic
abbr., electr.eng. electric field strength; electric potential; elevator lighting and control cable; enamel
abbr., fin. earnings; equity
abbr., fishery exploitation rate
abbr., footwear energy absorbing capacity (специальное обозначение Yuriy83)
abbr., genet. estrogen
abbr., IT electronic; End; earth; exclusive; exit
abbr., law Evidence; erlang (единица интенсивности нагрузки (Efimovich) - MT; A unit used to express the intensity of traffic in telephone lines, corresponding to that in one line continuously occupied. SOED Alexander Demidov)
abbr., med. exa; extraction (ratio); Eastern Standard Time; einstein (unit of energy); ejection; elastance; electrolytes; emmetropia; emmetropic; entamoeba; enteric; epicondyle; epinephrine; erythrocyte; Escherichia; estrone; expiration; extinction coefficient; extra-lymphatics; hydrocortisone; compound Е; potential; E vitamin; substance exciter substance; Expected Frequency In A Cell Of A Contingency Table; Eye; Glutamic Acid; Involvement Of A Single Extranodal Site (in Hodgkin Lymphoma); eye; erythrocytes
abbr., med., conv.notation. glutamic acid
abbr., media. Edit
abbr., mil. echelon; electronic installation aircraft; total probable error
abbr., mineral. escolaite (maloushina)
abbr., multimed. exa-
abbr., nautic. east (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nautic., obs. O (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nautic., scient. Earth; Eastern
abbr., oil Eogene; earth; eastern; eastern longitude; eccentricity; edge; edition; efficiency; electric field; electric field intensity; electric power; electric tension; electrode; electrode potential; electromotive force; electron; electronic charge; element; elevation; elevation of kelly bushing; elongation; emery; empty; enable; energizer; energy; energy of activation; engineering; entrainment ratio; entry; Eocene; eotvos; equatorial; erg; error; error probable; estimated weight; ethylene; eutectic; evaporativity; exchange; exinite; expectation; exploratory; exponential; export; expression; extended jet (full length); extra; second class ship; Young's modulus (of elasticity); deg. E (MichaelBurov); Engler degree (MichaelBurov); capacity; dielectric constant; earthing; effective elasticity; efficiency factor; empirical; gas expansion factor; hydraulic diffusivity; specific energy; wave intensity; Young's modulus or modulus of elasticity
abbr., opt. exa-
abbr., pharm. ethambutol (этамбутол Dimpassy)
abbr., phys. Eötvös unit; one of the Fraunhofer lines in the green of solar spectrum; potential difference
abbr., phys., scient. MC2
abbr., physiol. Epidermis; Exercise; Extranodal
abbr., polym. edge; effective; efficiency; electron; electronic; elongation; evaporativity; extrusion
abbr., qual.cont. endurance
abbr., scottish Echo (phonetic alphabet); exa-; Time zone 67.5 E - 82.5 E (GMT -5)
abbr., sec.sys. encipher; enciphering
abbr., slang ecstasy
abbr., sport. Error
abbr., tech. voltaje
el. 1015
energ.ind., abbr. average energy; electrode; electron; elongation; exa; neutron energy; primary energy input to heat pump plant
meteorol., abbr. estimated weight
mil. east; electronics; elevation; emergency; enemy; energy; engine; engineering; entrance; error; estimate; exercise; experimental; exposure
O&G electrochemical potential
oil, abbr. Eogene period
tech. coefficient of elasticity; electric-field strength; electroaffinity; electrode potential; electronic capability; electronic charge; electronic countermeasures; element; elementary charge; encounter; entrainment ratio; equal; erg; erosion; erosion and runoff; erythrocyte; evaporation; exa; exchange; export; instantaneous value of voltage; voltage; voltage and phase, series/parallel circuits
therm.eng., abbr. edge; elasticity; energy; engine; engineering; excentricity
E. abbr.
abbr. edge; electrode; empty; enamelled; Example; Easter term; Edward; Exchequer
abbr., earth.sc. east; erg
abbr., econ. error and omission excepted; eagle; exchange; export
abbr., lat. Ecclesia ("church")
abbr., libr. England; English
abbr., mining. earth; East; English; entry; modulus of elasticity
abbr., sport. errors
abbr., tech. engineer
abbr., winemak. extra (коньяк категории "экстра" (обозначение на этикетке) baletnica)
law ecclesiastical; emergency; equity
abbr. electron of γ-ray γ
abbr., earth.sc. energy of γ ray
abbr., el. energy of gamma-ray
E- abbr.
abbr. east; eastern
abbr. electron of β-ray
abbr., earth.sc. energy of β ray
abbr., el. energy of beta-ray
E- abbr.
abbr., unit.meas. exa- (igisheva)
abbr. Egyptian pound
abbr., genet. immunoglobulin heavy chain gene enhancer
С.E. abbr.
abbr., libr. City editor; common era
E γ [i:] abbr.
abbr., med. energy of γ ray
°E abbr.
abbr. Engler degree
abbr. electron of α-ray α
E & [i:] abbr.
abbr. electrical and instruments (eternalduck)
α-E abbr.
abbr., el. static ionization rate-electric field (relationship)
E β [i:] abbr.
abbr., med. energy of β ray
e [i:] abbr.
abbr. base of Naperian or natural system of logarithms; coefficient of elasticity; eccentricity (Vosoni); elasticity; Elipticity; enamelled (Vosoni)
abbr., earth.sc. eolian deposit; exponential
abbr., el. electric charge; the base of natural logarithm
abbr., math. transcendental number, the base of natural logarithm
abbr., med. effect; egg; equilibrium; estimate; experimenter; eye
abbr., nucl.phys. elementary charge (of positron)
abbr., oil eccentricity of a load; effective; elasticity
agric. early; efficient
electr.eng. elastic limit
IT emitter
O&G base of the natural logarithm (2.7182); cumulative influx; electric (al); external; external boundary conditions; influx rate; injected
opt. electron charge
e. abbr.
abbr. edition; electron; electronic; enamel; endurance; entrance; equivalent; essential; excellent; quantity of electricity; error
abbr., commer. economics
abbr., earth.sc. efficiency; elasticity; error
abbr., tech. earth
met. efficiency
e- abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. nuclear photoelectric effect
e圧 abbr.
abbr. effective; efficiency
n. e. abbr.
abbr., econ. no effects
θe abbr.
abbr., el. 3-dB one way elevation beamwidth
σe abbr.
abbr., met. elastic limit
: 2179 phrases in 79 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution6
Animal husbandry6
Antennas and waveguides13
Computer networks16
Data processing1
Earth sciences4
Electric traction1
Energy industry2
Food industry286
Health care29
High energy physics16
Hobbies and pastimes1
Information technology43
International Monetary Fund4
Life sciences22
Measuring instruments6
Mechanic engineering3
Medical appliances3
Municipal planning1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation8
Natural sciences10
Non-governmental organizations1
Nuclear physics9
Obsolete / dated1
Optics branch of physics9
Pharmacy and pharmacology3
Research and development2
Security systems6
Social science6
Sound recording2
Waste management1
Радиоактивное излучение17