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D log E curve
nucl.phys., радиогр. Schwärzungskurve f (e.g. of an X-ray film)
радиогр. charakteristische Kurve (e.g. of an X-ray film); Gradationskurve f (e.g. of an X-ray film)
D-log E curve
opt. Gradationskurve f (obtained by plotting optical density D against common logarithm of exposure E); charakteristische Kurve (obtained by plotting optical density D against common logarithm of exposure E); S-Kurve f; Schwärzungskurve f (obtained by plotting density against log exposure); fotografische Schwärzungskurve (obtained by plotting optical density D against common logarithm of exposure E)
d/log e curve
biol. Gradationskurve f; Schwaerzungskurve f; photographische Schwaerzungskurve
D log E curve: 2 phrases in 1 subject
Optics branch of physics2