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abbr. curriculum vitae
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gen. Gummi; Gummi; Kautschuk; Elaste
amer. inf. Präser; Verhüterli
brit. Radierer
inf. Radierer

to phrases
cv abbr.
abbr. curriculum vitae
tech. Lebenslauf
 English thesaurus
CV abbr.
abbr. caloric value; converter; check value; continuously variable; counter voltage; Carrier Vessel; curriculum vitae ('More); coded violation; relative standard deviation
abbr., auto. Commercial Vehicle (aharin); control valve; canister ventilation; cargo vehicle; center valve; cheval vapour; combination vehicle; constant vacuum; convertible (car); convertible soft top; coupling of viscosity; crankcase ventilation; critical viscosity
abbr., avia. cost variance; cascade vane; charging valve; computer version; crossfeed valve; customer variables; calibrated velocity; chief value; concept validation; customer variable; Cargolux Airlines International S.A. (Cargo)
abbr., BrE curriculum vitae UK (резюме Val_Ships)
abbr., busin. common valve; collection voucher; coulomb volt
abbr., Canada Cross of Valour
abbr., chromat. column volume (Alexx B)
abbr., comp. computer validation (igisheva)
abbr., data.prot. cryptovariable
abbr., drw. culvert
abbr., earth.sc. characteristic value; comparative verification; concentrated volume (solution); contingent valuation method; control view; convergence
abbr., ed., scient. Campus Visit
abbr., el. composite video (signal); characteristic vector; capacitance-voltage characteristic; capacitance-voltage product; coaxial-cable video-transmission; coding violation; constrained vector; control variable; credit verification
abbr., el., scient. Control Voltage
abbr., electr.eng. collapse of voltage
abbr., electric. converters
abbr., energ.ind. net NCV (MichaelBurov)
abbr., file.ext. Archive (Corel Versions); Information screen (Microsoft CodeView)
abbr., food.ind. Calorific Value
abbr., genet. cultivar
abbr., health., med. Current Value
abbr., IT Computer Virus; curriculum vitae (Bricker); common version; computer vision
abbr., law Code Veronica
abbr., Makarov. constant voltage
abbr., math., scient. Coefficient Of Variation
abbr., med. Calicivirus; Chikungunya Virus; Cach Valley; cell volume; central venous; cerebrovascular; cervical vertebrae; color vision; conduction velocity; corpuscular volume; cresyl violet
abbr., med., lat. conjugata vera
abbr., mil. Cost Variance; aircraft carrier; carrier; critical vulnerability; Multipurpose Aircraft Carrier
abbr., mil., WMD Constant velocity; Cost variance
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. choke valve
abbr., O&G, sakh. Charpy V-notch test
abbr., oil calorific value; circulation valve (andrushin); canonical variable; capacitance voltage; cavern; chamber volume; chief valve; circulating valve; compound value; computing voltage; concentrated volume; constant value; constant volume; constructed value; contrast value; control volume; controlled variables; Cotton Valley; cryogenic viscosity; cyclic voltammetry; velocity correction factor
abbr., pharm. cras vespere (лат. завтра вечером VasDoc)
abbr., phys., scient. Flow Coefficient
abbr., physiol. CardioVascular
abbr., physiol., med. Cervical Vertebra
abbr., polym. continuous variable; constant viscosity; continuous vulcanization
abbr., progr., IT Component Version
abbr., railw. Code Violation
abbr., refrig. check valve
abbr., scottish type abbreviation Aircraft carrier (guided missile; G); Cryptographic Variable; Future Aircraft Carrier (UK Royal Navy; F)
abbr., space carrier vehicle
abbr., stat. cross-validation (igisheva)
abbr., tech. valve capacity (пропускная способность клапана xx007)
abbr., textile cellulose viscose
abbr., transp. Combat Vehicle
abbr., weld. Constant Voltage Output Characteristics (жесткая вольтамперная характеристика Technical)
busin., abbr. Convertible; Quarterly
el., abbr. Capacitance-to-voltage
mil., abbr. combat vehicle; command vehicle; communications van; control van; cruise vehicle
O&G, abbr. controlled variable
physiol., abbr. Cardiac volume
polit., geogr. Cape Verde
R&D. Cleaning Validation (валидация очистки)
tech., abbr. capacity; channel vocoder; clear-voice; collector voltage; command verification; constant velocity joint; containment vessel; correlation vocoder; coulomb-volt; cover; crystal vibrator
cv abbr.
abbr. cardiovascular
abbr., genet. crossveinless
abbr., med. convulsion
abbr., med., lat. eras vespere
agric. coefficient of variability
biol. coefficient of variation
IT converter
med. controlled ventilation
post coefficient of variance
Cv abbr.
abbr. covellite (copper mica, copper indigo); specific heat at constant volume; Charpy impact value
abbr., earth.sc. covellite
abbr., med. volume concentration
abbr., O&G valve capacity (olga garkovik)
energ.ind. flow coefficient
energ.ind., abbr. valve flow coefficient
tech., abbr. molecular heat at constant volume
cv. abbr.
abbr. cultivar (Morning93)
abbr., econ. convertible
CV: 22 phrases in 10 subjects
Foreign trade1
Information technology1