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BCN abbr.
abbr. Backbone Concentrator Node (Wellfleet); Barcelona (ННатальЯ); British Commonwealth of Nations
abbr., avia. Boeing control number
abbr., comp. Broad-Band Communication Network (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., net. backbone concentrator node; broadband communication network; business communication network
abbr., el. bank computer network; broadband communications network; business communications network
abbr., IT Back Charge Notice
abbr., med. Basal Cell Nevus; Bilateral Cortical Necrosis; Breast Care Nursing
abbr., O&G, sakh. branch construction norms
abbr., O&G. tech. base acid number
abbr., physiol., med. Behavioral Computational Neuropsychology
abbr., polit. British Commonwealth of Nations (Британское содружество наций Mrs_Andromeda)
abbr., scottish Beacon radar mode
abbr., tradem. Birmingham Canal Navigations
airports, avia. Barcelona, Spain
comp. broadcast channel number
mil. bureau control number
bcn abbr.
abbr. beacon