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gen. B; H; Heses; His; Hisis
austral. gut
opt. Leuchtdichte
gen. geborene; geboren
| channel
IT Kanal

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
B [bi:] n
opt. Leuchtdichte f (photometric brightness; the luminous intensity of any surface in a given direction per unit of projected area of the surface as viewed from that direction; units: expressed in candles per unit of area; stilb, sb: equal to 1 c/cm²; apostilb, asb: equal to 1/π c/m²; lambert, L: equal to 1/π c/cm²; foot-lambert, ff-L: equal to 1/π c/ft²)
B [bi:] abbr.
gen. B; H; Heses; His; Hisis
b. abbr.
gen. geborene (geb.); geboren
abbr. born
B grade [bi:] abbr.
austral. gut Schulnote
 English thesaurus
B [bi:] abbr.
abbr. arbitrary dimension; B-display; bale (Vosoni); balloon; Banned; Barnes Group, Inc.; barometric pressure; Bass; Bastard; Baume; Baume degree; Baume hydrometer scale; Belgium; Belief; best (Vosoni); better grade; Biased; Biblical; Bingo; Biotech; Bisexual; Bishop; Bitch; BITCH/BASTARD; Bitchin; Bitwise; Blah; Blame; Bland; Blank; Blasphemy; Blind; Blonde; Blueberry; boiler; Bold; Bones; Book; Bored; Boss; Bowl; Boxer; Boys; Bracket; Breakfast; Bridge; brightness (Vosoni); British Patent; British Thermal Unit (Vosoni); Brochure; Bronco; Browning; budget (Vosoni); Bulk; Burglar; Buster; Butt; buyer (Vosoni); Byte; Bytes; coefficient depended on fuel; degree Baume; Interpolated Pictures (MPEG); ratio of throat diameter to pipe diameter; The Baddest; Bell; Bit; Bob; British; Business; Button; Bering Standard Time (GMT - 1100); base (electron device); board (Vosoni); baggage (Vosoni); baud; Baumé (degree, Baumé scale); belga; Belgian; Benares; binding; Boeing; bolivar; borum; bound; Britain; broad; broadcasting
abbr., amer. bomber
abbr., archit., scient. Build
abbr., auto. battery positive voltage; bias belt construction; bias belted; battery negative voltage
abbr., avia. bearing; bench; biplane; both; bulkhead
abbr., biochem. nuclear factor kappa B (Dimpassy)
abbr., biol. asparagine or aspartic acid; back; ball; bicuspid; blend
abbr., BrE brigadier
abbr., busin. bachelor
abbr., cartogr. bay; black buoy; blue; brook
abbr., commer. Bahamian Dollar; Belizean Dollar; Brunei Dollar; baht; balboa
abbr., commun. bias (Метран)
abbr., comp., IT Bruce
abbr., dat.proc. byte
abbr., earth.sc. base address; basic igneous rocks; baumé; beaumé; bauxite; bayou; birefringence; birnessite; Boston; brake; brannerite; breakage; brucite; Brunhes normal epoch; Burma; degree baumé; degree beaumé; magnetic flux density
abbr., ed. Basic; Behavior
abbr., ed., scient. Band
abbr., el. bel; back-up; barrier; B-drive; biochips; break; buffer
abbr., electr.eng. bonded; booster; braid
abbr., file.ext. BASIC language source code file; Batch list; Modula-3 Base program
abbr., geol. Burzyan (MichaelBurov); Burzyan age (MichaelBurov); Burzyan Era (MichaelBurov); Burzyan Erathem (MichaelBurov); Burzyan time (MichaelBurov); the Burzyan (MichaelBurov); Burzyan era (MichaelBurov); Burzyan erathem (MichaelBurov); Lower Riphean (MichaelBurov); Burzyan epoch (MichaelBurov); Lower Riphaean (MichaelBurov); Burzyan period (MichaelBurov)
abbr., geol., scient. Branch
abbr., interntl.trade. B grade
abbr., IT binary; bit; Be
abbr., law Bad
abbr., math. b b (обозначение известного числа)
abbr., mech.eng. backlash on pitch circle
abbr., med. born; B-cells; Bacillus; Barn (Lat. Bis); Base (Lat. Bis); Boils At (Lat. Bis); Born (Lat. Bis); Brain (Lat. Bis); Branched (Lat. Bis); chromosome Break (Lat. Bis); Supramentale (Lat. Bis; point); Twice (Lat. Bis); Blood; Bloody; Bone Marrow-derived (cell Or Lymphocyte); Bronchial; Bronchus; Brucella; Bursa Cells; Colorectal Tumor Extending Into Adipose Ti; Fever, Sweats, Or Weight Loss ("B" Symptoms In Hodgkin Lymphoma); Biological; boron; bacillus; barometric (pressure; SUBSCRIPT); asparatic acid; Baume's scale; bile; bloodbank; bone marrow; bromuridine; buccal; bursa; bursts
abbr., med., conv.notation. asparagine; bile bile from the gallblader
abbr., med., lat. balneum; balneum arenae
abbr., media. Border
abbr., met. bainite
abbr., mil. cross-over barrier pattern
abbr., mil., avia. back order
abbr., mus. breakthrough
abbr., nautic. battleship; becket
abbr., nautic., econ. B
abbr., O&G, sakh. core sampler
abbr., oil angle between interface and bed; barrel; base; bottom of; boundstone; cation mobility; current-return electrode; degree Beaume; formation volume factor; magnetic induction; turbulence; backup; bactericide; bank; baryon number; barytes; basalt; basic impulse insulation level; basis; bat; beach; bedded; bedding; benzoate; benzene; benzine; berm sloped wall to keep out flooding; Biber; bight; biotite; bitt; bituminous; block; bluish; boehmite; boiling; boiling point; bollard; bond; bornite; bowlingite; breaker; Brewster; broken surface; buoyancy; busy; butadiene; butane; butylene; special bearing seal; Thai Baht
abbr., opt. bandwidth; bel
abbr., phys. band spectra method; magnetic flux density; Fraunhofer line in the red of solar spectrum
abbr., physiol. Blackeye
abbr., physiol., med. Back
abbr., pigeon.race. Blue
abbr., polym. bar; batch; Baume scale; build-up specimen
abbr., relig. Believe
abbr., scottish Boron; Bravo (phonetic alphabet); Civil aircraft marking (China, People's Republic); Time zone 22.5 E - 37.5 E (GMT -2)
abbr., soil. vesicular pore
abbr., st.exch. Buy
abbr., tech. bor; Båke
abbr., textile Big
abbr., transp. Body; Bus
energ.ind., abbr. arbitrary dimension; bandwidth; barometric pressure; beam; bit; boiler; boron; bulletin; coefficient depended on fuel; ratio of throat diameter to pipe diameter
invest. bill of exchange
meteorol., abbr. balloon; blue; board
mil. band; battery; battle; beam; boat; body; bomb; bombardier; bottom; boundary; bulletin
mil., avia. bearing
railw., abbr. baggage
tech. beacon; blanking; boils at...; branch; brass; broadcast; broken; bulb; film thickness; susceptance; telegraph speed in bauds; volume modulus of elasticity
wood., abbr. better grade
b [bi:] abbr.
abbr. background; bag; ballistic; balloon; barn; base nucleotides; bath; before; biannual; billion; black; boric acid; born; breadth; budget authorization; beam radius; beauty quark (MichaelBurov); beauty-quark (MichaelBurov); bottom quark (MichaelBurov); bottom-quark (MichaelBurov); babbit; linear regression coefficient; base number
abbr., auto. bore
abbr., avia. blade width; span
abbr., busin. barge; bid; bill; boatswain; box
abbr., med. blood SUBSCRIPT β second in a series
abbr., oil blacks; brown
abbr., phys. angular momentum
cartogr. brick
med. bregma (Natalya Rovina)
O&G bar (pressure); bubble; bubble point; bulk; burned; radius of investigation; reciprocal formation volume factor
opt. binary digit (bit)
b. abbr.
abbr. breadth; bacterium; bending; bluish; bole; bomb; bridge
abbr., earth.sc. bearing; billion; bituminous; black; boiling at; brass; brown
abbr., econ. bag; barrel
abbr., libr. book; bound
abbr., med. bone; betterness; boil at; bom; breath; broth; brother; button
mining. battery
mus. bar (сокращение от слова "bar" ("такт") Marina Arkan)
polym. boiling point; branched
textile boils at
B. abbr.
abbr. Beavan's Reports; bel; brick; base
abbr., busin. Baume
abbr., earth.sc. bar; bay
abbr., econ. best
abbr., insur. Center of Buoyancy
abbr., lat. Beatus ("blessed")
abbr., law buyer (s)
abbr., libr. bachelor
abbr., med. bicuspid; British
abbr., physiol. born
abbr., sport. passed ball
abbr., tech. brightness
abbr., textile degree Baume
law barrister; bid; bill of exchange; bond; buyers
B/ abbr.
abbr., oil base of; Panamanian Balboa; second class
μB abbr.
abbr. microbel
B\# abbr.
abbr., numism. Bolender Number; Browning Number
μB abbr.
abbr., phys. Bohr magneton; magnetic moment of electron (Bohr magneton)
B+ abbr.
abbr. B-positive
b.o.s. abbr.
abbr. building out section
B+ abbr.
abbr., auto. battery positive voltage
abbr., ed. aznews (daomao)
σb abbr.
abbr., met. ultimate tensile stress
abbr., phys. incremental induction
μbar abbr.
abbr. microbar
n. b. abbr.
abbr., econ. nota bene
B$ abbr.
abbr., oil Bahamian Dollar
B/- abbr.
law bill of exchange
bt [bi:] abbr.
O&G noise
: 1035 phrases in 86 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution3
American usage, not spelling2
Analytical chemistry18
Antennas and waveguides2
Artificial intelligence1
British usage, not spelling1
Earth sciences18
Electrical engineering1
Energy industry2
Fish farming pisciculture4
Food industry12
Foreign trade7
Government, administration and public services1
Health care32
High energy physics11
Hobbies and pastimes1
Immigration and citizenship2
Information technology14
International Monetary Fund2
Life sciences3
Lighting other than cinema4
Materials science3
Measuring instruments5
Mechanic engineering8
Medical appliances32
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Natural sciences2
Non-governmental organizations1
Nuclear physics33
Obsolete / dated4
Optics branch of physics5
Pharmacy and pharmacology5
Power lines3
Power system protection1
Risk Management1
Sugar production1
Радиоактивное излучение11