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ctr abbr.
abbr. central; centre (Vosoni); counter; cistern
abbr., typogr. centre the line
logist. container (в экспортной декларации Bobb)
polym. center
ctr. abbr.
abbr. contra
CTR abbr.
abbr. controlled thermonuclear reactor; critical temperature range; Choose The Right; columbia university Center for Telecommunications Research (organization, USA); click-through rate (ННатальЯ); Common Technical Regulations (Europa); contour; cutter; Currency Transaction Report (dms); click through rate (кликабельность - возможность перейти куда-то "кликнув", то есть, по сути, наличие связи между тем или иным текстом или изображением и другим "контентом", срабатывающей при нажатии кнопки мыши - ссылки. В данном случае речь идет об отношении числа "кликов" на рекламную ссылку (то есть переходов по ней) к числу показов рекламного объявления, т. е. о коэффициенте, характеризующем эффективность рекламы через заинтересованность потенциальных клиентов. gconnell); click through ratio
abbr., adv. click/through ratio
abbr., auto. critical temperature resistance
abbr., avia. control zone (MichaelBurov); certification test requirement; contract technical representative; control; controllable twist rotor; customer table requirements; cycle time reduction
abbr., busin. container; contract; contractual technical requirement; contributor
abbr., clin.trial. clinical trials registry (ННатальЯ); contrast-to-tissue ratio (iwona); common treatment response (iwona)
abbr., commer. contractual technical report; contractual technical requirements
abbr., ed. Cowboys Take Risks
abbr., el. chemical transport reaction; cohesive technical resources; common technical regulation; complementary transistor register; counter register; customer trouble report; click-through ratio
abbr., el., scient. Current Transfer Ratio
abbr., environ. Cooperative Threat Reduction
abbr., health. Clinical Trials Regulation (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., HF.electr. common technical regulations
abbr., inet. Click Thru Rate; click-through-rates (Artjaazz)
abbr., IT core-transistor register; computer tape reader
abbr., lab.eq. Cardiac Transplant Research; Clinical Trials Research
abbr., manag. central tender board; sheet cost, time
abbr., med. Cancer Therapy Reviews; Carpal Tunnel Release; Cardio-Thoracic Ratio (harser)
abbr., mil., air.def. convergence and tracking rate
abbr., nautic. Container Fitted
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Cost-Time-Resource
abbr., O&G, sakh. Cost - Time - Resource (a form); Cost, Time and Resources (contractor); Cost, Time, Resources (sheet Sakhalin Energy); cost and time resource document
abbr., oil cost, time, resources; constant temperature retraction (test); continuous tube reactor; corrected average temperature rise; critical temperature resistor
abbr., oncol. California Tumor Registry
abbr., ophtalm. capsular tension ring (Rada0414)
abbr., opt. cloud-top radiometer; current transfer ratio
abbr., physiol. CardioThoracic Ratio
abbr., qual.cont. Crack Thickness Ratio (annvoron)
abbr., railw. Clinton Terminal Railroad Company
abbr., relig. Choose To Repent
abbr., scottish Close Target Recce
abbr., space C-band tracking radar; contract technical report; contract technical requirements
abbr., sport. Crash Team Racing
abbr., st.exch. Cabot Industrial Trust
abbr., tax. corporate tax rate (Stepney)
abbr., tech. core transistor register
abbr., textile Council for Textile Recycling
abbr., transp. Civil Tilt Rotor
abbr., UN cooperative threat reduction
comp., abbr. carrier and timing recovery
energ.ind., abbr. certified test reactor; certified test results
meteorol., abbr. airdrome control region
mil., abbr. certified test requirements; consolidated training request; controlled thermonuclear reaction; cooperative target recognition
tech., abbr. carrier telegraph receiver; certified test record; clean thermonuclear reactor; collector transition region; communications technician, collection; control character; control key; control zone; controlled thermonuclear research
tech., mil., avia. cassette tape recorder
Ctr. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. center; centre
ctrs abbr.
abbr., tech. centre; centres
Ctr abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. crater
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