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a [eɪ] art.
gen. a; ett; en
 English thesaurus
a [eɪ] abbr.
gen. but (sankozh)
abbr. absorption coefficient; ampere; crack size; heavy toward long wavelength; mg augmentation; critical velocity; thermal diffusivity
abbr., avia. slope of lift curve
abbr., busin. abandon; above; abstracts; acceptance; account; acreage; add; additional; address; adjusted; advice; after; airplane; air-taxi; aluminum oxide; ambassador; among; analyzer; annealed; annus; anonymous; anthracite; argent; arrive; arrival; article; assessed; assorted; assured; at (unit price); athletic; atomic bomb; attention; attorney; auditor; axiom
abbr., chem. relative activity
abbr., desert. are
abbr., earth.sc. acetate; alaskite; albite; andalusite; artificial deposit; augite
abbr., econ. anna
abbr., el. axial
abbr., genet. superhelix density
abbr., med. artery; before; specific absorption (coefficient; USUALLY ITALIC); total acidity; systemic arterial (blood; SUBSCRIPT)
abbr., oil acoustic velocity; ares; attached; attenuation constant; atto; audit
abbr., phys. capillary constant; sound velocity
abbr., tech. ar; antenne; artilleri
agric. afternoon; annual
biol. abundant; adult; age; aged; asymmetrical
cartogr. acres
inf. I (шотл. bellb1rd)
med. arterial (Vosoni)
O&G about; acoustic; annum; areal; atmospheric; atom; formation factor coefficient; tortuosity; year
opt. atto-
qual.cont. able; absolute; accepted; available
a. abbr.
abbr. abundant; article; Atlantic Reporter; acid; active; advance; advanced; annual; anthracite; are
abbr., dril. ampere
abbr., earth.sc. about; absorption; absorption coefficient; acceleration; acceptance; activity; arroyo
abbr., fin. auction
abbr., math. arc
construct. arch; area; axial
mining. actual; annus; azimuth
polym. amorphous
A [eɪ] abbr.
abbr. Absurd; air course (Vosoni); ammeter (Vosoni); academician; acoustics (Vosoni); acre; Act; Actor; aerial (Vosoni); aeronautics; Aftermath; afternoon; Agree (in surveys Fesenko); airport; All; amateur; amber; Ambient; Americas; Animals; annual; annually; anode (Vosoni); answer; Ant; antarctic air; Anteater; Ape; Apple; April; Apron; arbitrary constant; arbitrary dimension; Archived; Archives; Arctic; Army; Art; Artemis; ash; ash content; Associate; astragal; atomic mass number; atto-; Australian; Autos; Helmholtz function; mass number; stack cross-sectional area; surface area; Agar; Angstroem; angstrom; actual weight; Admiralty; aeronautical; Alaska; Alberta; aluminium oxide (regular abrasive); ammunition; Angström (unit); antarctic air (mass); Antigua; armoured; arrest critical point; aspect ratio; Atlantic (Ocean); aviator; azimuthal; international Angström
abbr., agric. alcohol; analysis; automatic
abbr., agrochem. acid; air; atomic weight
abbr., auto. amperes; angular acceleration; attenuation coefficient; Audi Approved Automobile
abbr., automat. addendum
abbr., avia. aircraft; airborne; attack; attendant seat; attacker
abbr., biochem. alanine (аланин Dimpassy)
abbr., biol. adenine
abbr., BrE A-branch; apprentice
abbr., bridge. Ace
abbr., busin. August; Australia; Austria
abbr., cartogr. America; American; arch bridge; Argyllshire; arroyo
abbr., commer. first class; first grade
abbr., construct. area of cross section
abbr., dril. annular preventer
abbr., earth.sc. absolute pressure; actinote; actinolite; actinomycete; Aftonian; allanite; altered; amphibole; amphibolite; analcite; andesine; andesite; andradite; Angola; anisotrope; anthophyllite; antiferromagnetic; antigorite; antiperthite; aqua; archaeophytic; ascension; atlas; free energy; grade A; maximum work
abbr., EBRD upper medium grade
abbr., econ. Australian dollar (Seregaboss)
abbr., el. adder; altimeter; animator; asynchronous; atomic; autonomous; angstrom unit
abbr., electr.eng. amplification; amplifier; armature
abbr., expl. absolute alcohol
abbr., file.ext. ADA Program
abbr., fin. Annuity (LyuFi); Asset (LyuFi); auction
abbr., footwear anti-static (специальное обозначение Yuriy83)
abbr., gram. adjective
abbr., IT accumulator; amplitude
abbr., lab.eq. Albino guinea pig
abbr., Makarov. PAB; PAS
abbr., math. axial vector
abbr., med. Allergologist; Allergy; Abnormal; Abortion; Absolute Temperature; Absorbance; Acceptor; Accommodation; Acetone; Acetum; Achondroplasia; Acid; Acidophil; Acidophilic; Acromion; Acidity; Albumin; Alpha (cell); alveolar gas (SUBSCRIPT); Ambulation; Ampere; Amphetamine; Ampicillin; Amplitude; Anaphylaxis; Androsterone; Arterial Blood; Artery (Lat. Arteria); Asymptomatic, No Symptoms (e.g. In Proteinuria); Blood Group A; Total Acidity; Tumor Limited To The Bowel (Dukes Classification); Tumor Limited To The Mucosa (Astler-Coller Classification); peak left ventricular filling velocity at atrial contraction (пиковая скорость позднего наполнения левого желудочка (при сокращении предсердий) Dimpassy); Ankle Jerk/Reflex; Assessment (Ying); adenosine (or adenylic acid); Ala
abbr., met. conventional anneal
abbr., mil. Adjutant-General's Branch (отдел генерал-адъютантской службы); Alaskan Standard Time (поясное время на Аляске); arrow; analog; firing angle
abbr., mining. A one; air course; ammeter; ampere; argon
abbr., O&G, sakh. Amp
abbr., oil alloyed; apparent; atmospheric air; Avogadro's number; current electrode; electrochemical activity; formation water activity; Stiles mobility ratio; abbreviation; abeam; absorbancy; absorption; abstract; accelerator; acicular; acres; activator; adamantane; adamellite; additive; agent; aids; air line; alarm; alkali; alkalinity; alunite; amorphous; amperes; amperemeter; anchor; and (function); angular; anhydrite; aniline; anisotropic; anisotropy; aphanitic; aplite; approved; Arabia; Arabian; aragonite; arc; arch; Archaeozoic; area; arithmetic; arm; aromatic oil; arrest point; asphalt; association; asymmetric; Atlantic; atmosphere; atoleine; atoll; attenuation; average; axis
abbr., phys. magnetic vector potential; specific rotation; strong absorption band in deep red the first of the Fraunhofer lines of the solar spectrum
abbr., physiol. Adenine; Alveolization
abbr., polit. Asia
abbr., qual.cont. NOVA analysis of variance
abbr., scottish ampere (electric current); Alfa (phonetic alphabet); Time zone 7.5 E-22.5 E (GMT -1)
abbr., tech. Angstrom; search area; desired search area
abbr., telecom. availability
energ.ind., abbr. accumulator; amplitude; arbitrary constant; arbitrary dimension; ash; atomic mass number; atto-; mass number; stack cross-sectional area; surface area
gas.proc., abbr. ash content
law acting
meteorol., abbr. afternoon; altitude difference; amber; analysis; annual; antarctic air
mil. academy; acceleration; accommodation; accountant; ace; acquittance; action; active; activity; actual; adjutant; administration; admiral; adopted; advance; advanced; aerospace; agency; airman; alert; allied; alternate; ambulance; amphibian; amphibious; armament; armored; artificer; artillery; assistant; atomic; automobile; auxiliary; aviation; azimuth
mil., agrochem. air
mil., avia. aircraft
O&G analogue
pipes., abbr. area of cross section
tech. assembly; absent; absolute temperature; accommodation coefficient; acquisition; address constant; alloy; alteration; altitude; altitude difference; analog signal; anhydrous; antenna; aqueous; argentum; aromatic; asbestos; automated; refracting angle of prism; silver; width of slit
A. abbr.
abbr. amperemeter; answer; atomic; British Waterworks Association
abbr., dril. Archaeozoic
abbr., earth.sc. absolute; academy; air course; America; ammeter; anode; auxiliary
abbr., econ. anna
abbr., lat. Aulus (a common Roman forename)
abbr., Makarov. admiral
abbr., met. annealed
abbr., mining. acre; aircourse
abbr., radio antenna
invest. abstract
law anonymous; association
Asub_B [eɪ] abbr.
met. annealed in box
+asub y abbr.
med. right lateral acceleration
abbr., anim.husb. absolute temperature
+asub х abbr.
med. forward acceleration
a [eɪ] abbr.
abbr. haploid set of autosome
abbr., med. total; acute; airway; alveolar; anterior; anxiety; appearance; asymmetrical; asymptomatic; atrium; augmented; non-agouti; venous wave produced by atrial contraction
a. abbr.
abbr., libr. alphabetical; author
a? abbr.
abbr. huh? (когда что-то не расслышал 4uzhoj)
a- abbr.
abbr., chem. ana-position
aномалии родовой деятельности art.
med. abnormal labor (sankozh)
a! abbr.
abbr. ugh (Побеdа)
A [eɪ] abbr.
abbr., avia. aberration; ablation; ablator; absorbent; absorber; absorptivity; accelerometer; access; accident; accommodate; accuracy; actinism; activation; actuation; actuator; added; adhesion; adhesive; adjustment; aeroacoustics; aeroballistics; aerodrome; aerodynamics; aerodyne; aeroelasticity; aeroelastics; aeroengine; aerofoil; aerohydroplane; aerojet; aerolog; aerology; aeromap; aeromotor; aeronaut; aerophotography; aeroplane; aeroplanist; aeropolitics; aerostatics; afterburner; agility; aging; aileron; airlock; airmada; airmail; airship; airspeed; airworthiness; albedo; alerting area; almanac; alternating; annealing; anodic; aperture; apogee; approach; arming; arrange; array; assemble; asteroid; astigmatism; attitude; augmentation; authorities; autogiro; autoloading; autopilot; avionics
abbr., chem. adenosin; antih emophilic factor; antiha emophilic factor
abbr., meteorol. A cell; alpha cell; Acinetobacter; Actinomyces; adenosine acid; adjuvant; allogen; anesthesia; anesthetist; androstenedione; Aspergillus; attendance; start of anesthesia
A- abbr.
abbr., oil A-minus; A-negative; abstract number (survey)
A+ abbr.
abbr. A-positive
Asub_B [eɪ] abbr.
abbr., met. annealed in box
Umaa [eɪ] abbr.
abbr., oil apparent volumetric photoelectric cross section of rock matrix
A+ abbr.
abbr., oil A-plus
-asub х art.
med. backward acceleration; footward acceleration
Umaa [eɪ] art.
O&G apparent volumetric photoelectric cross section of rock matrix
A$ abbr.
abbr. Australian Dollars (DoctorD)
,A abbr.
abbr. Australian dollar; Australian dollars
A $ [ɔ:] abbr.
abbr., econ. Australian Dollar
θa abbr.
abbr., el. 3-dB one way azimuth beamwidth
abbr., lab.eq. amyloid-β
В.A. abbr.
abbr., libr. Bachelor of Arts
abbr., life.sc. β-amyloid peptide
A BAND [eɪ] abbr.
abbr., med. The Dark-staining Zone Of A Striated Muscle
à abbr.
abbr., tech. rendement (mariv)
+asub x art.
med. headward acceleration
a Colombia social securty equivalent [eɪ] abbr.
abbr. cc (Alex Lilo)
°A abbr.
abbr. absolute temperature
μA abbr.
abbr. microampere
$ A abbr.
abbr., econ. Peso Argentina
AUV [eɪ] abbr.
abbr., el. ultraviolet absorption
トリプルA abbr.
abbr., fin. Total Quality Control
AS [eɪ] abbr.
abbr., med. Asplenia Syndrome
abbr., plast. alternating current
-asub y art.
med. left lateral acceleration
at [eɪ] art.
O&G autocorrelation function
: 4690 phrases in 104 subjects
Criminal law13
Cultural studies8
Earth sciences134
Electric machinery1
Electric motors2
Electric traction6
Electrical engineering4
Electricity generation24
Energy industry17
European Union1
Figure of speech2
Fish farming pisciculture6
Food industry7
Government, administration and public services13
Health care49
Hobbies and pastimes9
Human rights activism7
Immigration and citizenship24
Information technology269
International law4
International trade6
Labor law10
Life sciences142
Lighting other than cinema3
Materials science16
Mechanic engineering54
Municipal planning2
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Natural sciences21
Nuclear physics5
Obsolete / dated10
Pharmacy and pharmacology8
Physical sciences4
Power electronics1
Power lines4
Power system protection3
Private international law6
Procedural law54
Rail transport3
Satellite communications1
Social science30
Sound recording3
Sugar production1
Textile industry1
Thermal Energy1
Trade unions1
United Nations2
Vacuum tubes2
Work flow49