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Usu n
geogr. ウス
prop.name, surn., geogr. 有珠
surn. ;
 English thesaurus
usu abbr.
abbr. usually
insur. Usual (ly)
O&G usual
USU abbr.
abbr. unbundled stock unit
abbr., auto. universal lambda sensor unit
abbr., avia. Busuanga, Philippines
abbr., ed., scient. Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences; University Student Union; Utah State University
abbr., med. Uniformed Services University of the Health Services; Usutu
abbr., mil. Universal Slamball Unlimited
abbr., securit. unbundled stock units
abbr., st.exch. USEC, Inc.
: 3 phrases in 1 subject
Food industry3