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gen. ; ; 抑抑; 抑々; スタート;
of | record
comp., MS 記録する
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

verb | noun | abbreviation
start [stɑ:t] v
gen. 開く ichi1 (hiraku); 掛かる ichi1 news2 nf47 (engines, motors); 懸かる ichi1 (engines, motors); 掛る (engines, motors); 懸る (engines, motors); 起こす ichi1 news1 nf13; 起す; 仕掛ける news1 nf24 (しかける); 仕かける; し始める; 為始める; 仕始める; 始まる ichi1 news2 nf28; 始める ichi1 news1 nf17; 創める; 取り掛かる ichi1 news2 nf43; 取り掛る; 取掛る; 取りかかる; 就く ichi1 (on a journey); 即く (on a journey); 出す ichi1 news1 nf03 (fire); 出で立つ; 出る ichi1 news1 nf12; 切る ichi1 news1 nf11 (きる); 踏み出す news2 nf45; 踏みだす; 踏出す; 立ち上がる ichi1 news2 nf42; 立上がる; 起ち上がる; 立ちあがる; 立ち上げる (something, たち・あげる); 立てる also written as 起てる ichi1 (a rumour); 熾す; ichi1 news1 nf05 (はした); ichi1 (あたま); 出掛ける ichi1 news2 nf28; 出かける; news1 nf12 (で); ; 火蓋を切る (an argument, a battle, etc.); 火蓋をきる (an argument, a battle, etc.); 火ぶたを切る (an argument, a battle, etc.); 火ぶたをきる (an argument, a battle, etc.); 途に就く (a task); 途につく (a task); 蓋を開ける (something); ふたを開ける (something); とば口; 幕を切る (e.g. a scene, a war, etc.); 幕を切って落とす (e.g. a scene, a war, etc.); 行動に移る; 着手 (ちゃくしゅ) Legal Terminology Glossary (University of Washington/Japanese Cabinet Secretariat) ; 着手する Legal Terminology Glossary (University of Washington/Japanese Cabinet Secretariat)
comp., MS 起動する (To start or reset a computer by turning the power on, by pressing a reset button on the computer case, or by issuing a software command to restart)
el., meas.inst. 始動する
obs. 出ず; 出づ
tech. スタート (sutāto)
n start | n [stɑ:t] v
gen. ; ichi1 news2 nf33; ; ; 1 can also be read ワン. 壱, 弌 and 壹 are used in legal documents oK; 口切り news2 nf46 (kuchikiri); 手始め news1 nf19; 出足 news1 nf12; 初手; 端緒 news1 nf22; 発端 ichi1 news1 nf09; 立ち news1 nf11; 出だし; 出出し; 出々し ik; 立ち上がり news1 nf10 (たち・あがり); 立上り; 立ち上り; 立上がり; きかっけ variant form of 切っ掛け; すべり出し; 滑り出し; 滑出し; 起首; 開け
n vs start | n vs [stɑ:t] v
gen. スタート gai1 ichi1 (sutāto); 開始 ichi1 news1 nf02 (kaishi); 発走 (of a race); 発馬 (of a horse race); 初発; 進発
n adj-no uk start | n adj-no uk [stɑ:t] v
gen. ichi1 news2 nf25; 抑抑; 抑々
n-t n-adv start | n-t n-adv [stɑ:t] v
gen. 始め ichi1 news1 nf17; 初め ichi1
start ... [stɑ:t] v
gen. 始める ichi1 news1 nf17; 創める
n sens start | n sens [stɑ:t] v
gen. 皮切り news1 nf08
n uk start | n uk [stɑ:t] v
gen. 切っ掛け news1 nf03; 切掛 ichi1 (きりかけ)
n-adv n-t start | n-adv n-t [stɑ:t] v
gen. 本初
adv-to with a start | adv-to [stɑ:t] v
gen. ぎくっと
n START | n [stɑ:t] v
gen. 戦略兵器削減条約
adv n adj-no start | adv n adj-no [stɑ:t] v
gen. 冒頭 ichi1 news1 nf04
n adj-no start | n adj-no [stɑ:t] v
gen. 始原
adv adv-to on-mim with a start | adv adv-to on-mim [stɑ:t] v
gen. ぎくり
Start [stɑ:t] v
comp., MS スタート (The Home screen of an unlocked Windows Phone, sutāto)
 English thesaurus
START [stɑ:t] abbr.
abbr. Space Technology and Advanced Re-entry Tests; Speed Theory Application Rhythm Technique
abbr., med. State-of-the-Art Oncology In Europe; Systemic Therapeutic Assessment Respite And Treatment
abbr., O&G Save Tengiz And Reduce Toxics
abbr., scottish Solid-State Angular Rate Transducer; Strategic Arms Reduction Talks / Treaty
mil. state of the total Army report team
start [stɑ:t] v
automat. starter
mil., abbr. st
START [stɑ:t] abbr.
abbr. Shuttlecraft Training And Recruitment Techniques; Skilled Trades Auto Repair Technician; Start Targeting And Attracting Revenue Today; Suggestions To Attain Revenue Together; Supporting The Area's Rising Talent
abbr., AI. SynTactic Analysis using Reversible Transformation
abbr., astr., scient. Solar Thermal Analysis Review and Training
abbr., astronaut. spacecraft technology and advanced reentry tests
abbr., ed. Strategies for Teaching And Reaching for Talent; Strategies For Teaching And Reaching Talents; Strategy To Attract And Retain Teachers; Substitute Teachers Accountable Responsible Teaching
abbr., ed., scient. Student Technology Assistance Resource Teamfile; Student Testing Advising And Registration Team; Student Transition And Responsibility Tutorial; Student Tuition Assistance And Revenue Trust
abbr., el. Strategic Arms Reductions Treaty
abbr., law Special Tactics Awareness Response Training; Stop Teen Alcohol Risk Teams
abbr., med. Short Term Assurance And Recuperation Team; Simple Triage And Rapid Transport; Simple Triage And Rapid Treatment
abbr., mil. Strategic Arms Reduction Talks; Strategy Tactics Analysis Reaction And Transformation; Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
abbr., nautic., scient. Global Change System for Analysis, Research, and Training
abbr., org.name. Global Change System for Analysis, Research and Training
abbr., physiol., med. Subject Timed Age Regression Therapy
abbr., relig. Striving Toward A Real Togetherness
abbr., tech. strategic Arms Reduction Talks
START [stɑ:t] abbr.
abbr. National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (iwona)
abbr., space simplified tool for assessment of regional threats (RAND theater-level campaign model); space transport and reentry test; spacecraft technology and advanced re-entry tests; Strategic Arms Reduction Talk; Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty; system of transportation applying rendezvous technology