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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
source [sɔ:s] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf01 (of information, etc., すぢ); (of information, etc.); ichi1 news1 nf05 (ne); ichi1 (しゅ); 出場; 元凶 news1 nf17; 元兇; 出場所; 吹出し (ふきだし) Engineering and Science Technical Dictionary (James Friend) ; 流出点 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; わき出し (wakidashi) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 原料 (genryō) Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)
comp., MS 同期元 (A synchronization provider that enumerates any changes and sends them to the destination provider); ソース (A disk, file, document, or other collection of information from which data is taken or moved, sōsu)
tech. ソース (sōsu)
n source | n [sɔ:s] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf05 (gen); ichi1 (ほん); ; usu. 元 (ki); ichi1 news1 nf04; 源流 news1 nf18 (e.g. of a river); 出典 news2 nf34 spec2 (e.g. quotation); 水源地 news2 nf31 (of a river, etc., すいげんち); 水上 (すいじょう); 濫觴; 起こり news2 nf29; 起り; io (むくり); 所出; 発生源; 元ネタ (of); 大根; 取材源 (for a news article, etc.); 入手先 (of supply); 送信元 (of a transmission, e.g. email)
comp. 発信源
n adj-no source | n adj-no [sɔ:s] n
gen. 源泉 news1 nf13 (げんせん); 根本 ichi1 news1 nf06; 根源 news1 nf12; 根元 ichi1; 根原; 原初 news2 nf33
n vs source | n vs [sɔ:s] n
gen. 原因 ichi1 news1 nf01 (げんいん); 出所 news1 nf19; 出処; 出どころ
Source [sɔ:s] n
gen. 始点格 Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond)
adv n vs source | adv n vs [sɔ:s] n
gen. 由来 ichi1 news1 nf15
n a source | n [sɔ:s] n
gen. 典拠
n source [sɔ:s] n
gen. 起点 (kiten) Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond)
 English thesaurus
source [sɔ:s] abbr.
abbr. so
abbr., multimed. International information support centre
mil., abbr. sce
mil., logist. In intelligence usage, person or thing from which intelligence information/clue are obtained. A source is either open or secret, depending on whether one can name it or not, without running the risk of compromising it. (FRA)
USA A person, thing, or activity from which information is obtained. see also agent, collection agency; In clandestine activities, a person agent, normally a foreign national, in the employ of an intelligence activity for intelligence purposes. see also agent, collection agency; In interrogation activities, any person who furnishes information, either with or without the knowledge that the information is being used for intelligence purposes (JP 2-01) see also agent, collection agency
SOURCE [sɔ:s] abbr.
abbr., el. simulation of utilization resource, cost and efficiency
Source [sɔ:s] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. .src (file name extension)
progr., abbr. S
SOURCE [sɔ:s] abbr.
abbr. Sovereign Omnilord Of Unanimous Regency And Caliber Excaliper
abbr., ed., scient. Students Organized For Using Resources Conscientiously And Efficiently
abbr., post Source or origin of mail (MODS report abbreviation)
mil. simulation of utilization of resources, cost, and efficiency
: 6 phrases in 5 subjects
Electric machinery1