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sensor ['sensə] n
gen. 検出器 (kenshutsuki) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan) ; 感部気象測器、 きしょうそっき River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
comp., MS センサー (Any hardware or software that can detect events or environmental changes, such as your current location or the amount of light around your computer. For example, a notebook with a location sensor, such as a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, can determine your exact location. An ambient light sensor can detect when there is a change in lighting, and then a program can use that information to adjust the brightness of your screen, sensā)
construct. センサー (sensā)
el., meas.inst. 測定素子
n sensor | n ['sensə] n
gen. センサ (sensa); 感知器 (かんちき); 警報器 (keihōki); 警報機 news2 nf31 (けいほう・き); 検知器 (けんちkī)
 English thesaurus
sensor ['sensə] n
metrol. The primary element of a measuring chain which converts the input variable into a signal suitable for measurement
mil., abbr. sen
mil., logist. An equipment which detects, and may indicate, or record objects and activities by means of energy or particles emitted, reflected, or modified by objects. (FRA)
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