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root [ru:t] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf05 (gen); ichi1 (ほん); ; usu. 元 (ki); 歯根 Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko) ; 侵入根 River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
bot. (ne)
comp. 管理者 spec1 (user, かんり・しゃ)
comp., MS ルート (The highest or uppermost level in a hierarchically organized set of information. The root is the point from which further subsets are branched in a logical sequence that moves from a broad or general focus to narrower perspectives, rūto)
math. ルート (rūto)
n root | n [ru:t] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf05 (of a plant, ne); 根幹 news1 nf10; 根底 news1 nf10; 根柢; 付け根 news1 nf20 (つけね(ぶ)); 付根; 附け根; 附根; つけ根; 本源; 根っ子 ichi1; 根っこ news1 nf21; 根子 (ねこ); 根方; 歯元 (of a tooth); 大根
n adj-no root | n adj-no [ru:t] n
gen. 根本 ichi1 news1 nf06; 根源 news1 nf12; 根元 ichi1; 根原; 根音 (of a musical chord)
Root [ru:t] n
gen. ルート (unclass, rūto)
geogr. ロート
n ctr root | n ctr [ru:t] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf03 (かぶ)
n ling root [ru:t] n
gen. 語根 Dictionary of Linguistics (Francis Bond)
n roots | n n
gen. ルーツ gai1
suf nth root | suf [ru:t] n
gen. 乗根 (jōkon)
 English thesaurus
root [ru:t] n
slang синоним слова fuck практически во всех значениях (verb and noun) "I feel rooted", "this washing machine is rooted", "(s)he's a good root". A very useful word in fairly polite conversation)
ROOT [ru:t] abbr.
abbr., el. relaxation oscillator optically tuned
abbr., IT Roots Object Oriented Technologies
abbr., mil., avia. relaxation oscillator, optically tuned
ROOTS abbr.
abbr., mus. Remembering Our Own Tejano Stars
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