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gen. 調達
gen. 購買; 校売; 調進; 買い上げ; 買上げ; 仕入
| assistance
gen. お蔭; 御蔭; お陰
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

procurement [prə'kjuəmənt] n
gen. 仕入 (of raw materials for manufacturing) Glossary of Financial Terms (Kevin Seaver)
law 調達 (ちょうたつ) Japanese Law Translation Database System
n vs procurement | n vs [prə'kjuəmənt] n
gen. 購買 ichi1 news1 nf17 (こうばい); 校売 ik; 調進
n procurement | n [prə'kjuəmənt] n
gen. 買い上げ news1 nf16; 買上げ (かいあげ)
Procurement [prə'kjuəmənt] n
gen. 調達 (ちょうたつ) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
 English thesaurus
procurement [prə'kjuəmənt] abbr.
abbr. pro; proc
mil., abbr. pm; prcmt
mil., logist. Act of buying or having manufactured, for the agency responsible for supplies, the resources needed for maintenance. (FRA)
Procurement [prə'kjuəmənt] abbr.
abbr., O&G, sakh. P