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verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
press [pres] v
gen. 圧する; 押し付ける ichi1 news2 nf25 (おしつける); 押しつける; 押付ける; 押す ichi1 news1 nf08; 捺す; 寄せる ichi1 news1 nf09; 急き立てる; 急きたてる; せき立てる; 急立てる io; 責める ichi1 news2 nf45; 促す ichi1 news2 nf27; 迫る ichi1 news1 nf03 (someone for something); 逼る (someone for something); 絞る ichi1 news1 nf12; 搾る esp. 絞る ichi1; 圧力を加える; 摩する; 擬する (e.g. a weapon against someone's back); 重しをする (down); 擬す (e.g. a weapon against someone's back); 督する
obs. 圧す; 揉み立てる
tech. プレス (puresu); 圧締 (あってい)
n press | n [pres] v
gen. 圧搾機 (あっさくき); 圧搾器; 印刷所; 報道機関 news1 nf10; 絞り器 (grapes, etc.); しぼり器 (grapes, etc.); 絞り機 (grapes, etc.); 搾り器 (grapes, etc.); 搾り機 (grapes, etc.)
Press [pres] v
gen. プレス (puresu)
n vs press | n vs [pres] v
gen. プレス gai1 (puresu)
 English thesaurus
press [pres] abbr.
abbr. pressure
PRESS [pres] abbr.
abbr. Pacific Range Electromagnetic Signatures System
abbr., avia. pressure, pressurization, pressurize; project review, evaluation and scheduling system
abbr., mil., avia. Pacific range electromagnetic signature study
abbr., scottish Pacific Range Electromagnetic Signature Study
meteorol. pressure indicator
Press [pres] v
media., abbr. P
press [pres] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. pressure
press, abbr.
abbr., busin. pressure
press. abbr.
abbr., dril. pressure
PRESS [pres] abbr.
abbr., math., scient. Prediction Residual Error Sum of Squares
PRESS [pres] abbr.
abbr., avia. project review; evaluation and scheduling system
abbr., dat.proc. prediction error sum of squares (igisheva)
abbr., earth.sc. program related engineering and scientific studies
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Name of organization1