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noun | abbreviation
find [faɪnd] n
gen. 掘り当てる news2 nf46; 掘当てる; 有り付く; あり付く; 有りつく; 在り付く; 在りつく; 拾う ichi1 news2 nf39; 捕まる ichi1 news2 nf44 (e.g. proof); 掴まる ichi1 (e.g. proof); 捉まる (e.g. proof); 摑まる usu. 捕まる oK (e.g. proof); 押さえる ichi1 news1 nf08 (proof); 抑える ichi1 news1 nf04 (proof, おさえる); 押える esp. 押さえる (proof, おさえる); 見付ける ichi1 (e.g. an error in a book); 見つける ichi1 news2 nf37 (e.g. an error in a book); 見附ける (e.g. an error in a book); 見附る io (e.g. an error in a book); 見出す Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko) ; 認定 (civ. proc.; facts, にんてい) Legal Terminology Glossary (University of Washington/Japanese Cabinet Secretariat)
comp., MS 検索する (To seek specific data within a file or data structure); 検索 (To locate text or a specific item on a Web page or in a document, けんさく)
inf. 目付ける var. of 見付ける
n lucky find | n n
gen. 掘り出し物 news2 nf34; 掘出し物; 堀り出し物
Find [faɪnd] n
comp., MS 検索 (To locate text or a specific item on a Web page or in a document, けんさく)
n find | n n
gen. 目っけ物
 English thesaurus
find [faɪnd] n
gen. M 'to discover' we found London to be a fascinating city 8 1 (Alexander Demidov)
saying. finder keepers, losers weepers (zzaa)
FINDS abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. fault inferring nonlinear detection system
FIND [faɪnd] abbr.
abbr. Financial Information Net Directory; Fiscal Impacts Of New Development
abbr., ed., scient. Filipino Intercollegiate Networking Dialogue
abbr., el. facsimile information network development
abbr., file.ext. File Interrogation of Nineteen Hundred Data; Forecasting Institutional Needs for Dartmouth
abbr., med. Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (Фонд для инновационных и новых диагностических средств (ФИНД) Andy)
abbr., mil., avia. flight information display
mil. federal item name directory
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