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n detective | n n
gen. ディテクティブ; デテクティブ
slang でか; デカ
Detective [dɪ'tektɪv] n
comp., MS 探偵 (Skill level in the Purble Place game. Once a Purble Place game is completed, a player gets a skill level rank assigned automatically by the game (based on number of guesses and hints during the game))
n police detective | n n
gen. 刑事 ichi1 news1 nf04
adj-na n adj-no detective | adj-na n adj-no n
gen. 隠密 news2 nf29
n vs adj-no detective | n vs adj-no n
gen. 探偵 news1 nf16
 English thesaurus
detective [dɪ'tektɪv] abbr.
abbr. detec; tec
Detective [dɪ'tektɪv] abbr.
abbr., police D (Val_Ships)
detective: 1 phrase in 1 subject