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gen. クロス; クロース; 横切る; 横ぎる; 架かる; 跨ぐ
| hole
comp., MS ホール
| audio-frequency
 Audio Frequency
comp. 可聴周波数
| rock
comp., MS ロック
| testing system
 test system
comp. 実験システム
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | to phrases
cross [krɔs] n
gen. 横切る ichi1 news2 nf35 (e.g. road); 横ぎる (e.g. road); 架かる; 跨ぐ ichi1; 交える news1 nf16 (e.g. swords); 雑える (e.g. swords); 交わる ichi1 news2 nf31; 切る ichi1 news1 nf11 (きる); 組む ichi1 news1 nf16 (legs or arms); 交わす ichi1 news1 nf14; 交す io; 越える ichi1 news1 nf11; 超える esp. 越える ichi1 (こえる); 突っきる; 突っ切る; 差し交わす; 差交わす; 差交す; 行き違う (each other); 過ぎる; 過る; 行き違いになる (in the post); 交差 (こうさ) River and Water Resources Glossary (Infrastructure Development Institute Japan)
construct. 十字 (jūji); クロス (kurosu)
math. 掛け合わせる; 掛け合せる
n vs cross | n vs [krɔs] n
gen. クロス gai1 (kurosu); クロース
n cross | n [krɔs] n
gen. 十字架 ichi1 news1 nf21
n vs adj-no cross | n vs adj-no [krɔs] n
gen. 折衷 ichi1 news1 nf23 (せっちゅう); 折中
n cross | n [krɔs] n
gen. 交雑種; 磔柱 (used in a crucifixion)
n adj-no cross | n adj-no [krɔs] n
gen. 十文字 news2 nf35
Cross [krɔs] n
gen. クロス (kurosu)
adj-no n cross | adj-no n [krɔs] n
gen. 十字 news1 nf08 (jūji)
adj-na cross | adj-na [krɔs] n
gen. 十字形 (じゅうぢけい)
 English thesaurus
cross [krɔs] abbr.
abbr. cross lands; cross-examination (the interrogation of a witness called by one's opponent Val_Ships)
abbr., amer. cross examination (перекрестный допрос свидетеля Val_Ships)
abbr., earth.sc. crossing
box. In boxing, a cross is a punch usually thrown with the dominant hand the instant an opponent leads with his opposite hand. The blow crosses over the leading arm, hence its name. (Natalia D)
cartogr. crossing
CROSS [krɔs] abbr.
abbr., avia. center for reliable operational system security
abbr., comp., net., IT Core Router Operating System Support
abbr., med. Commission Régionale D'Organisation Du Système Sanitaire
abbr., space combined RF/optical surveillance system
abbr., sport. cross-checking
Cross [krɔs] n
O&G crossover
cross. abbr.
abbr. crossing
CROSS [krɔs] abbr.
abbr., med. Comité Régional De L'Organisation Sanitaire Et Sociale
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects