
   English Japanese
Google | Forvo | +
comp. ウェブ; ウェッブ; ウエブ
| site
comp., MS サービス拠点

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
web [web] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf10 (mō)
construct. ウェブ (webu); ウェブ材 (ゑぶ・ざい)
tech. ウェブ板 (webu-ita); 腹部 (ふくぶ)
n web | n [web] n
gen. 水かき (mizukaki); 水掻き; ; 電網
Web [web] n
comp. ウェブ gai1 (webu); ウェッブ; ウエブ
n web | n [web] n
comp. 連結網
Web [web] n
comp., net. ワールドワイドウェブ
n adj-no web | n adj-no [web] n
gen. ウェブ gai1 (webu); ウェッブ; ウエブ
spider's web [web] n
gen. ichi1 news1 nf07;
exp adj-no on the Web | exp adj-no [web] n
gen. ネット上
 English thesaurus
WEB [web] abbr.
abbr. Warren E Buffett; Warren E. Buffett; World Equity Benchmark; War Engineering Board (asd)
abbr., ed. We Enjoy Books; Wonderful Exciting Books; Wonderfully Exciting Books
abbr., file.ext. Web document (Corel Xara)
abbr., IT Web document
abbr., mil. Wednesday Evening Basic
abbr., mil., avia. webbing
abbr., progr., IT Web Easy Builder
abbr., relig. Welcome Every Body; Well Equipped Believers; World English Bible
abbr., sport. Winning Equipping And Building
abbr., st.exch. Webco Industries, Inc.
web [web] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Weber
comp., MS Web (A set of interlinked documents in a hypertext system. The user enters the web through a home page); web (A set of interlinked documents in a hypertext system. The user enters the web through a home page)
Web [web] n
SAP.tech. World Wide Web
.web n
file.ext. Entities Emphasizing the WWW (Domain Name, Internet)
.WEB abbr.
abbr. Entities Emphasizing the WWW (Domain Name)
web. abbr.
abbr. weber
web A set of interlinked documents in a hypertext system. The user enters the web through a home page [web] abbr.
abbr., comp., MS web
WEB [web] abbr.
abbr., IT work element block
abbr., space web effective burn (time)
: 7 phrases in 2 subjects