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comp., MS パンク
gen. チンピラ; ちんぴら; 破落戸; ; ;
abbr. パンク

verb | verb
Punk [pʌŋk] v
comp., MS パンク (One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. ID3v1 genre ID 43, panku)
punk [pʌŋk] v
gen. ; ;
sumo. 突っ張り news1 nf18 (つっぱり); 突張り
n adj-no punk | n adj-no [pʌŋk] v
gen. チンピラ spec1; ちんぴら
n uk punk | n uk [pʌŋk] v
gen. 破落戸 ateji
n punk | n [pʌŋk] abbr.
abbr. パンク gai1 ichi1 (panku)
 English thesaurus
punk [pʌŋk] abbr.
abbr. puncture; punctured
PUNK [pʌŋk] abbr.
abbr. Person Under No King; Pissant Upchucking Narcissistic Knuckleheads
abbr., ed., scient. People Under New Knowledge
abbr., law Questioning
abbr., police People Under No Kontrol