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Aisa abbr.
gen. あい沙 (unclass)
given. 亜衣紗; 愛佐; 愛沙; 愛砂; 愛彩; 愛咲; 愛作; 愛桜; 愛紗; 愛里; 愛總; 葵沙; 会彩; 彩衣咲; 秋沙; 碧沙; 明勇; 有希; 藍幸; 藍沙; 藍砂; 藍桜; 藍紗; 藍爽
surn. 相佐
 English thesaurus
AISA abbr.
abbr. Associate of the Secretaries Association; Automated Intelligence Support Activity
abbr., scottish Aeronautica Industrial SA (Spain)
mil. air intelligence support activities
tech. analytical isoelectrofocusing scanning apparatus