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AAI abbr.
org.name. 米国免疫学会
Aai abbr.
given. 阿愛
surn. 阿合
 English thesaurus
AAI abbr.
abbr. Africa-America Institute; American Artists Incorporated; Acts Atm Internetwork; African-American Institute (Афро-американский институт культурных связей (США) Углов); Agricultural Ammonia Institute (Институт сельскохозяйственных аммиачных удобрений (США) Углов); air-to-air identification; Air-to-Air Intercept; Airline Avionics Institute (Институт гражданской авиационной электроники (США) Углов); American Antitrust Institute (Leonid Dzhepko); Associate of Auctioneers' Institute (член-корреспондент Института аукционистов Углов); AUTODIN/AUTOVON interface; air-to-air intercept (radar)
abbr., auto. air auxiliary injection
abbr., avia. approach angle indicator; aircraft accident investigation; Airline Avionics Institute; air-to-air interrogator; airborne aircraft intercept; airport acceptance interval; Airports Authority of India; angle of approach indication
abbr., avia., amer. arrival aircraft interval
abbr., avia., Canada average arrival interval
abbr., biol. American Association of Immunology
abbr., busin. average amount of inspection
abbr., comp. application-to-application interface (ZolVas)
abbr., comp., net. Application to Application Interface
abbr., comp., net., IT ACTS ATM Internetwork
abbr., comp.name. Applied Automation Inc.
abbr., econ. Automatic Approval Import (S, System)
abbr., ed., scient. Advanced Artificial Intelligence
abbr., el. accumulator adjust instruction
abbr., insur. Alliance of American Insurers
abbr., IT Animal Artificial Intelligence; Applied Artificial Intelligence
abbr., law All Appropriate Inquiry
abbr., med. Acute Alveolar Injury (pacemaker); Adolescent Alienation Index (pacemaker); American Association Of Immunologists (pacemaker); Atrial Inhibited (pacemaker); Australian Aid International; American Association of Immunologists
abbr., mil. Additional Authorized Items; All Acter Integration; Army Analysis Intelligence; Authorized Active Inventory; Automatic Autodin Interface; air-to-air interface
abbr., mil., avia. air aid to intercept
abbr., min.proc. Audibert–Arnu dilatometer test index (MichaelBurov); Audibert–Arnu index (MichaelBurov); OAI erroneously, instead of AAI (MichaelBurov); Audibert–Arnu index (MichaelBurov); Audibert–Arnu dilatometer test index (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil absolute acoustic impedance; asphalt aging index
abbr., org.name. ActionAid International
abbr., polym. asphalt ageing index
abbr., qual.cont. accepted as is
abbr., scottish American Aerospace Industries Inc.; Angle of Approach Indicator
abbr., sec.sys., IT Authentication And Authorization Infrastructure
abbr., space all attitude indicator; angle of attack indicator
abbr., st.exch. Airtran Holdings, Inc.
abbr., textile Automatic Approval Import
abbr., tradem. All Asia Internet
abbr., transp. Airport Authority of India; Arrival Aircraft Interval
mil. air-to-air interrogation; airborne alert indoctrination; Army analysis of intelligence; authorized active inventory; azimuth angle increment
tech. all-attitude indicator; angle-of-approach indicator; angle-of-attack indicator