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noun | abbreviation
IMP [ɪmp] n
pharma., R&D. pētāmās zāles
 English thesaurus
IMP [ɪmp] abbr.
abbr. Individual Management Plan; Integrated Marketing Plan; International Management Program; International Market Place; Imaginative Marvelous Playful; Improvement Management Process; Information Management Program; Input Message Processor; integrated monitor panel; Integrated Mediterranean Program; Interactive Mathematical Proofs; International Merchandise Procurement; Internet Media Producer; Internet My Pocket
abbr., agric. impeller
abbr., anim.husb. 5-inosine monophosphate
abbr., auto.ctrl. internal model principle (ssn)
abbr., avia. individual mission plan; integrated mechanism problem; integrated memory processor; integration management plan; integrated master plan; integrated mission processor
abbr., biol. intramembrane particle
abbr., BrE Integrated Mail Processor (Royal Mail & New Zealand: single unit CFC to sorter, 1996)
abbr., bridge. international match points
abbr., chem. inosine acid
abbr., comp., net. Internal Message Protocol
abbr., comp., net., IT Internet Mail Provider
abbr., cryptogr. incident management plan
abbr., cytol. immune peritoneal macrophage (MichaelBurov); peritoneal macrophage (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. imperviousness; indicative multi-annual programme; Institute of Mineralogy and Petrography; instrumented mobile platform; integrated monitoring programme
abbr., ed. Interactive Math Program
abbr., el. industrial management program; information management package; information management processor; injection into microwave plasma; instant management power; instant message protocol; integrated microprocessor; integrated microwave package; intelligent multiprotocol processor; Intel mini-pack; interactive microcomputer programming; interdiffused multilayer process; interface module processor; intermodulation product filter; intrinsic multiprocessing; ionized metal plasma technology; ion metal plasma technology; integral multiprotocol processor
abbr., electr.eng. impulse generator
abbr., file.ext. Compressed file archive (IMP); Information/Interface Message Processor; Spreadsheet (Lotus Improv)
abbr., fin. imprest account
abbr., HF.electr. intermodulation products
abbr., immunol. inflammation modulatory protein (MichaelBurov)
abbr., inet. Industrial Marketing And Purchasing; Its My Party
abbr., IT Interface Message Processors; Pascal implementation; Spreadsheet; Integrated Multiprotocol Processor; Interpersonal Messaging Service
abbr., labor.org. Integrated Planning Model (MichaelBurov)
abbr., life.sc. inosinic acid
abbr., med. immunologically mediated photodermatosis (MichaelBurov); inosine monophosphate (inosinic acid); idiopathic myeloid proliferation; intramembranous particles; intramembranous particle
abbr., media. Intelligent Media Player
abbr., mil. Impedance; Implementation and Monitoring Plan; Individual Meal Pack; Information Management Plan; Input Message Processing; Intelligence Message Processor; Interface Management Plan; Interface Message Processor; Interface Message Protocol; Interplanetary Monitoring Platform; implementation; information management plan; impact (Yuriy83); inventory management plan
abbr., mil., air.def. information management principle
abbr., mil., avia. image processing program
abbr., mil., WMD Information management plan
abbr., mol.biol. Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (– Vienna MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo
abbr., oil Integrity Management Plan (Yakov)
abbr., org.name. Integrated Mediterranean Programme
abbr., pharma. Investigational Medicinal Products (kefal)
abbr., physiol., med. Implant; Impression; Improved
abbr., scottish Improved Manoeuvrability Package; Infantry Mine Project; International Missile Proliferation
abbr., space inflatable micrometeoroid paraglider; instrumental mounting platform; interplanetary monitoring platforms; inflatable micrometeroid paraglider; interplanetary monitoring probe satellite
abbr., sport. International Match Point
abbr., st.exch. Imperial Bancorp
abbr., tradem. International Music Productions
mil. Image Product; impact point; impact prediction; improved maintenance program; improved maneuverability package; industrial mobilization plan; initial military program; integrated maintenance plan; integrated maintenance procedure; integrated maintenance program; integrated monitoring panel; interface management plan; interim monitoring program; international military personnel
tech. image processing program; impact predictor; impregnate; impregnated; indication of microwave propagation; instrument maintenance procedure; instrumented monkey pod; intermodulation product; interplanetary magnetometer probe; interplanetary measurement probe; interplanetary monitoring probe
imp [ɪmp] abbr.
abbr. imperial; implement; import; important; imported; importer; impracticable; imprint; improper; improve; improved; improvement; impulse
abbr., earth.sc. imperfect
electr.eng. impedance
gram. imperative; impersonal
polym. impact
imp. abbr.
abbr. impact; imperfect; implement; imported; impression; improvement; improved
abbr., earth.sc. important; imprint; impulse
abbr., gram. imperative (http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/imp-?showCookiePolicy=true ssn)
abbr., interntl.trade. import; importer
Imp. abbr.
abbr. impeller
abbr., earth.sc. imperial
lat. Imperator ("emperor")
Imp [ɪmp] abbr.
abbr. impression (Vosoni)