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tcs abbr.
met. tonne of crude Steel (nata_squirrel)
polym. tierces
TCS abbr.
abbr. Teaching Company Scheme; Thermal Control Subsystem; Tool Control System; Total Customer Satisfaction; Total Customer Support; Trillion Credit Squadron; Technology Communication Supplies; teleconference service; television conference system; terne coated stainless steel; troop-carrier squadron; Television Company Of Singapore; Temperature Coefficient Sensitivity; Temperature Controlled For Safety; Test/Crisis Service; Tev Cleavage Site; The Crippen Station; Tomorrow Customers Society; Ton Of Crude Steel; Total Chaos Systems; Total Cleaning Systems; Traction Control Sucks; Transform Compost Systems; Transmission Convergence Sublayer (ATM); Trash Can Sinatra; Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico USA; Typhoon Committee Secretariat
abbr., account. tax collected at source (cerceo)
abbr., anim.husb. Technical Committee for Standardization
abbr., astronaut. Tele Conference System; Thermal Control System
abbr., auto. traction control switch; transmission control switch; transmission controlled spark (GM); traction control system (MichaelBurov); traction-control system <не рек.> (MichaelBurov); track control system; turbocharger control system; torque balance
abbr., automat. tool condition sensor; tool coordinate system
abbr., avia. tilt-control switch; tool control status; technical change summary; telephone control subsystem; terrain clearance sensor; test and command status; tool change request; total component support; tower communication system; tracking and communications subsystem; TV camera set
abbr., bank. telecommunication services (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., net. transmission convergence sublayer
abbr., dentist. Berry's syndrome (MichaelBurov); Berry-Treacher Collins syndrome (MichaelBurov); bilateral facial agenesis (MichaelBurov); eyelid-malar-mandible syndrome (MichaelBurov); Franceschetti syndrome (MichaelBurov); Franceschetti-Klein syndrome (MichaelBurov); Franceschetti-Zwahlen-Klein syndrome (MichaelBurov); incomplete mandibulo-facial syndrome (MichaelBurov); incomplete mandibulofacial syndrome (MichaelBurov); mandibular facial dysostosis (MichaelBurov); mandibulo-facial dysostosis (MichaelBurov); mandibulo-facial syndrome (MichaelBurov); mandibulofacial dysostosis (MichaelBurov); mandibulofacial dysplasia (MichaelBurov); mandibulofacial syndrome (MichaelBurov); Treacher Collins syndrome (MichaelBurov); Treacher Collins-Franceschetti syndrome (MichaelBurov); Treacher Collins–Franceschetti syndrome (MichaelBurov); Treacher Collins–Franceschetti syndrome (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. tectogenesis surface
abbr., ed. Taking Children Seriously
abbr., el. tactical computer system; tactical channel simulator; take control synchronously; technical countdown sequence; telecommunications software; telecommunications system; telemetry and command station; telephone communications system; temperature coefficient of pressure sensitivity; terminal call service; ternary compound semiconductor; test case selection; tetrachlorosilane; theater combat simulation; theoretical computer science; total communications system; tower communications system; traffic-congestion control system; traffic control subsystem; transaction control system; transient capacitance spectroscopy; transient coupling sensor; transient current spectroscopy; transistor current switch; transparent control statements; trichlorosilane; tunneling current sensor; two channel switch; two-photon coherent state
abbr., file.ext. Terminal Communications Subsystem
abbr., genet. trichosanthin
abbr., inet. The Cat Site
abbr., IT Telephony Control Specification; Trusted Configuration Space; Tucson Computer Society; thousand characters per second; tightly coupled system
abbr., med. T-cell Supernatant; Tethered Cord Syndrome; Toxic Confusional State - Confused, Usually Elderly, Person Whose Problem Is Due To Constipation (toxic Build Up In Body); Treacher Collins Syndrome; topical corticosteroid (ННатальЯ); total cellular score; Tubiana and Chamagne Scale (iwona)
abbr., med.appl. treatment control system (harser)
abbr., mil. Tactical Communications System; Tactical Computer Terminal; Tactical Counter Strike; Technical Control Station; Temporary Change of Station; Terminal Capability Set; Tactical Command System; Tactical Control Station; theater communications system
abbr., mil., air.def. binary telephony control specification; transportable communication system
abbr., mil., WMD Temperature control system
abbr., mus. The Christmas Song
abbr., oil tank control system; terminal control system; thermal control surface; through tubing caliper sonde; time circulation stopped; tributary channel system; tricores
abbr., org.name. Policy and Programme Development Support Division
abbr., plast.surg. Treacher-Collins syndrome
abbr., polym. Total Composite Solutions (Vicomte)
abbr., progr. theoretical computer sciences (ssn)
abbr., scottish Tactical Command/Control System; Target Control Set; Tone Commander Systems Inc. (USA); Trajectory Control Sensor; Trajectory Correction System (Israel); Trusted Computer System
abbr., semicond. target current spectroscopy
abbr., space telemetry and command system; tracking and communications sub system; trajectory control system; transformational communications architecture; transformational communications satellite; transformational communications system
abbr., sport. Touring Club De Suisse
abbr., tech. terminal control area
abbr., telecom. terminating call screening
abbr., tradem. Tata Consultancy Services Limited; Television Corporation Of Singapore; Tobin Cinema Systems; Total Communication Solutions
abbr., transp. Torsion Control System; Touch Control Steering; Traction Control System
auto. traction control system (система управления тягой (антипробуксовочная))
energ.ind. telephone conference summary; temporary conditioning station; turbine control system
mil. tactical computer system; tactical control squadron; tactical control system; tanking control system; target control system; telecommunications control system; television camera set; temporary change of station; terminal computer system; test control supervisor; test control system; theater communications system, Army; traffic control squadron; traffic control station; traffic control system; transportable communications system; troop carrier squadron; troposcatter communications system
tech. tactical call sign; tactical control subsystem; television camera system; temperature coefficient of sensitivity; temperature control subsystem; thermal conditioning system; tone call squelch; transducer calibration system