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noun | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
tare [teə] n
transp. eigengewicht n; eigengewicht van het voertuig
transp., tech. eigen gewicht; ledig gewicht; leeg gewicht
tare [teə] adj.
agric. wikke (Vicia)
mater.sc., mech.eng. tarreren
transp. tarra
 English thesaurus
tare [teə] n
int.transport., abbr. tr
TARE [teə] abbr.
abbr. Telegraph Automation Relay Equipment
abbr., agric. technical assistance and rural extension
abbr., el. telegraph automatic radio equipment
abbr., genet. trans-activation response element
abbr., mil. Telegraph Automatic Relay Equipment; tactical record evaluation
abbr., mil., avia. gross tonnage
abbr., scottish Telegraphic Automatic Radio / Routeing Equipment (NATO)
mil. telegraph automatic relay equipment; telemetry automatic reduction equipment
tech. telegraph automatic routing equipment; telegraphic automatic relay equipment center; transistor analysis recording equipment
tare: 17 phrases in 11 subjects
Earth sciences2
Food industry1
Measuring instruments1
Mechanic engineering1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Natural sciences3