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n [en] abbr.
tech., law nano
N R [en] abbr.
commun. NR; ontvangstvolgnummer
 English thesaurus
n [en] abbr.
abbr. atom density; name; national; nautical; naval; negative; nephew; neutron; neutron from scattering reaction; newborn; noon; norm; noun; number; overall unit efficiency; frequency; nano-; number of observation; ne; number of turns per unit time; neuter; verb neuter; haploid number; degree of freedom; gametic chromosome number
abbr., avia. load factor
abbr., chem. numbers of mols
abbr., earth.sc. nanofossil; normal shallow focal depth; number of observations; reflective index; theoretical plate number
abbr., el. nano-; next article
abbr., genet. amino; gametic number
abbr., mech.eng. number of turns in unit time (revolutions per unit time)
abbr., med. nerve; nasion
abbr., sport. nets
agric. haploid number of chromosomes
biol. nail
gram. nominative
inf. no balls
med. nasal
O&G apparent Archie exponent; backpressure exponent; exponent; exponent of hyperbolic decline curve
O&G, sakh. speed of rotation
opt. refractive index
polygr. no place
polym. index of refraction
n. abbr.
abbr. note; notes (footnote, footnotes Vosoni); nail
abbr., commer. no value; nominal value
abbr., earth.sc. net; neutral; neutron; neutron number; next; number of mols; number of turns in unit of time
abbr., gram. noun (ssn)
abbr., libr. national; new
abbr., med. nerve
avia. northern latitude; north
mining. net weight
n/ abbr.
abbr. next
n' abbr.
O&G flow behavior index
n- abbr.
abbr., chem. normal
.nə abbr.
abbr., inf. subordinate (olga69)
N [en] abbr.
abbr. XYZ (Artjaazz); And; Avogadro number; electron n-type semiconductor material; Knight; Nada; Narrow; National Association of Deaf; National form (thread); National Science Foundation; Nationalistic; Natural; Naturalist; Nature; Navy; Navy Department; Near; Need; Negotiator; negro; Neither; neon; Nerd; Neutrino; neutron density; Newline; Newsletter; next; Nice; Night; night (flight); Nipple; No; no significant change; Nodes; Noise; None; Normative; Norms; North; North American; northern; Northern England; Notice; Nourishment; Novelist; Novels; nuclear; nucleon; Nucleophilic; number; Numerical; Nurse; Nutrition; The Nth; neper; nimbus; Norway; Norwegian; Technical Note
abbr., agrochem. nitrogen; nitrogenous
abbr., automat. node
abbr., avia. yawing moment; nacelle; newspaper; nonconformity
abbr., biol. asparagine; neutral
abbr., busin. navigate; net register; net weight; new; news; nichrome; note; November; number of items in a sample; numbers
abbr., cartogr. nun (buoy)
abbr., chem. Avogadro number (constant); mole fraction; N'-difurfuryl thiourea; N'-dinitrosopentamethylene tetramine; N-diethyl-2-benzothiazole sulfenamide; N-diisopropyl-2-benzothiazole sulfenamide; N'-dinitrosopentamethylene tetra-mine
abbr., dril. North pole
abbr., earth.sc. naira; nakhlite; nanoplankton; Nebraskan; nebulous; neutron number; nordmarkite; normal concentration; normal north; notch; nucleus; number density; number of specimens; revolution per unit time; strength of solution, normal
abbr., econ. net
abbr., el. normal; napier; nematic; neurocomputer; numerical
abbr., fishery number of individuals of a cohort
abbr., genet. notch wing
abbr., logist. normal rate
abbr., mech.eng. modulus of rigidity; national form; number of teeth; revolutions per minute
abbr., med. Blood Factor In The MNS Blood Group System; Nerve; Neurology; Nucleoprotein; nitrogen; newton; naked; Neisseria; neuroaminidase; neurotensin; neutralization; nodes, lymph; nucleotide; Nursing Service; Nuc
abbr., med., conv.notation. loudness; radiance
abbr., mil. number of required track spacings; number of search and rescue units (SRUs)
abbr., mil., WMD normal, equivalents of a reagent per liter of solution
abbr., mining. National Petroleum Association
abbr., nautic. nord <0.00°> (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil nannofossil; nannoplankton; nappe; natural number; needle; negater; Neogene; nepheline; network; nil; nonproducer; norite; normal fault; normal force; notes; nothern; nozzle; number of turns; nylon
abbr., phys. newton
abbr., plast. N
abbr., polym. normality; normalization; numeric; numerics
abbr., progr. number of bits
abbr., qual.cont. normalized
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (United States); November (phonetic alphabet); Time zone 7.5 W-22.5 W (GMT +1)
abbr., tech. number of SRUs; No insulation (TheFellowShipper)
abbr., telecom. Dolby B; newton; normal contact
energ.ind., abbr. neutron density; normality; nuclear; nucleon; number; numerics
int.transport., abbr. normal (rate classification)
meteorol., abbr. navigator; night (flight); no significant change; navigation
mil. navigation; navigator; nonself-propelled; nose; nuclear-powered, nuclear-propelled
O&G anode number
tech. mol fraction; molecular density; nano; navigational; normal solution; number of molecules; number of mols; principal quantum number; rate of transfer; rotational frequency; rotational rate; safety factor; transport number
tech., agrochem. nitrogenous
N. abbr.
abbr. Novellae; nasal; normal
abbr., earth.sc. negative; number
abbr., econ. norm
abbr., lat. Nonas ("Nones"; 2. Numero, "number")
abbr., met. normalized
abbr., tech. November; name
law no year; numbered
N\# abbr.
abbr., numism. Newcomb Number; Newman Number
VclN [en] abbr.
abbr. clay content deduced from neutron rays
N- abbr.
abbr., chem. symbol indicating substitution on the nitrogen atom
NS [en] abbr.
abbr., IT Send Sequence Number
μN abbr.
abbr., med. micronewton
VclN [en] abbr.
abbr., oil clay content deduced from neutron rays
μN abbr.
abbr., phys. magnetic moment of proton (proton magneton)
"N" abbr.
abbr. neutral
N∞ abbr.
abbr. Rydberg's universal series constants
N' abbr.
abbr., chem. N
μn abbr.
abbr., el. electron mobility
NR [en] abbr.
abbr., IT Receive Sequence Number
N, abbr.
abbr., space N'-diphenyl-p-phenylene diamine
: 476 phrases in 37 subjects
Antennas and waveguides8
Computer numerical control2
Earth sciences10
Energy industry4
Fish farming pisciculture2
Food industry15
Health care18
Information technology32
Life sciences21
Mechanic engineering3
Natural sciences4
Pharmacy and pharmacology2
Physical sciences5
Procedural law9
Social science3
Work flow1