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noun | verb | noun | abbreviation | to phrases
lips n
IT logische gevolgtrekkingen per seconde
lip [lɪp] n
chem. liprand m
construct. flens m; rand m
hobby, transp. flap m
industr., construct., met. koprand m; sluitrand
lipping v
industr., construct. randafwerking; sierlijst
mater.sc. onvlak tegelwerk
 English thesaurus
LIP [lɪp] abbr.
abbr., auto. lithium-ion polymer battery (ВВладимир)
abbr., avia. laser illumination pod; limited installation program
abbr., bank. loan interest payments (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. latent information parameter; light-gun input program
abbr., fr., avia. Laboratorio de Tecnologia de la Propulsion
abbr., IT Loop initialization Process
abbr., mil. long-term infrastructure programme
abbr., mil., avia. large internet packet; lethality improvement program
energ.ind., abbr. local instrumentation panel
insur., abbr. life insurance policy
LIP [lɪp] abbr.
abbr. Large Internet Packet
abbr., avia. Lins, Sao Paulo, Brazil
abbr., commer. Low Involvement Product (Marketingspeak for a product which doesn't requiere much thought before purchase. Interex)
abbr., comp., MS Language Interface Pack (Yerkwantai)
abbr., comp., net. Large Internet Packets
abbr., ed. Life In Perspective
abbr., IT Loop Initialization Primitive
abbr., med. Lateral Interpositus Nucleus
abbr., physiol. Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia
abbr., qual.cont. linear integer programming
abbr., transp. Limited Implementation Program
comp. line interface processor
Lip [lɪp] abbr.
abbr. lipid (Vosoni)
lips abbr.
comp., net. logical inferences per second
LIPS abbr.
abbr. Labour India Public School; Lesbians In Plain Sight; Logical Inferences Per Second
abbr., AI. logical inferences per second; Logical Inference Per Second
abbr., el. laboratory information processing system; laboratory interconnecting programming system; laser image processing sensor; laser intensity profile system; library of image processing software; linear programming system; logical instructions per second
abbr., electr.eng. LCD Integrated Power Supply (LyuFi)
abbr., energ.syst. Lithium Ion Power Source (qwarty)
abbr., file.ext. Lightweight Internet Person Schema
abbr., insur. Low-income premium subsidy (Ying)
abbr., IT logic inferences per second
abbr., mil. Logistics Information Processing System
abbr., mil., air.def. large Internet packet sack
abbr., multimed. language independent program subtitling; light Internet person schema; linear inferences per second
abbr., phys., scient. Lorentz Invariant Phase Space
abbr., progr. logical inferences per second (ssn)
abbr., space living plume shield
abbr., telecom. Lightweight Internet Person Schema (LIPS)
energ.ind. Lorentz-invariant phase space
mil. laser image processing scanner
tech. linear interferences per second
LiPS abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. LANDSAT image processing system
LIPs abbr.
IT Large Internet Packets
lips: 95 phrases in 20 subjects
Cultural studies1
Earth sciences1
Fish farming pisciculture4
Health care4
Life sciences15
Mechanic engineering6
Social science1