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land reclamation ['lænd'reklə'meɪʃ(ə)n]
agric., construct. drooglegging van land; in cultuur brengen; produktief maken van gronden; inpoldering f; landaanwinning f; droogmaking f
construct. terreinsanering f
environ. landontginning f
environ., agric. ontsluiting van het land; het terrein vrijmaken van kreupelhout; rooien; ontginnen; ontginnen van boomvegetatie; ontginning f
environ., energ.ind. recultivering f
land reclamation Making land capable of more intensive use by changing its general character, as by drainage of excessively wet land; irrigation of arid or semiarid land; or recovery of submerged land from seas, lakes and rivers ['lænd'reklə'meɪʃ(ə)n]
environ. terreinsanering f
land reclamation: 5 phrases in 3 subjects