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 English thesaurus
inf abbr.
abbr., el. infinum
abbr., genet. integration deficient mutant
abbr., gram. infinitive (http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/inf?showCookiePolicy=true ssn)
abbr., mil. information INF
abbr., oil infimum, greatest lower bound
inf. abbr.
abbr. infantry; infuse
INF abbr.
abbr., avia., Canada inland navigation fix
abbr., busin. infiltration; infuse
abbr., earth.sc. interaction of snowmelt infiltration; interplanetary field
abbr., el. imaged near field; intermediate network facility; irredundant normal form
abbr., file.ext. Hypertext help system file (OS/2)
abbr., mil. Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty; Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
abbr., org.name. Office of Information
INFS abbr.
abbr. In Focus Systems, Inc.
abbr., file.ext. Internet Network File System
abbr., physiol., med. Integrative Nuclear FGFR Signaling
inf abbr.
abbr. infantry; inferior; infinite; infinity; inform; information; interface; interference
gram. infinitive; informal (ssn)
med. infusion (Vosoni)
inf. abbr.
abbr., med. inferior; infant
gram. informal (ssn)
.inf abbr.
file.ext. Information (file name extension)
INF abbr.
abbr. Infantry; Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces; Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces; International Nuclear Forum
abbr., avia. infant (Alexey Lebedev)
abbr., biol. interferone
abbr., file.ext. Any information (Vosoni); OS/2 hypertext help system file (VIEW.EXE Vosoni)
abbr., IT Hypertext help system file; Information; Setup information; installation file format
abbr., med. Infant; Infantile; Infection; Infective, Infected; Inferior; Infirmary; Infundibulum; Infusion; Interferon; International Neuroendocrine Federation; interferon
abbr., mil. Intermediate Nuclear Forces
abbr., mil., WMD Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
abbr., physiol., med. Infarction; Infected; Infusion, Inferior
abbr., scottish Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (treaty)
abbr., st.exch. Infinity Broadcasting Corporation
mil. interceptor night fighter; international nuclear forces
Inf. abbr.
abbr. infinite
abbr., earth.sc. infinity; information
: 9 phrases in 6 subjects
Mineral products1
Nuclear physics1