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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
bats [bæts] n
nat.res. vleermuizen (Chiroptera)
patents. knuppels
zool. vleermuizen (orde, Chiroptera)
bat [bæt] n
gen. stookplaat m
construct. deken f (glass wool bat, glas- of steenwol-); kozijnanker (to a frame)
mamm. vleermuis f (Pipistrellus, Nyctalus ... (Chiroptera))
batting ['bætɪŋ] v
industr. watte
industr., construct. wattenvulling
 English thesaurus
BAT [bæt] abbr.
abbr., avia. ballistic aerial target; blind approach training; boom avoidance technique; British Aircraft Transport Co.
abbr., med. Batai
Bat. abbr.
abbr. battery
bat. abbr.
abbr., construct. batten
BATS [bæts] abbr.
abbr. Broadford Amateur Theatrical Society
abbr., avia. business air transport service
abbr., file.ext. Basic Additional Teleprocessing Support
abbr., mil. Ballistic Aerial Target System
abbr., oil borehole audio tracer survey
abbr., scottish Battle Area Tactical Scenario; Battle Area Tactical Simulation
abbr., space basic additional teleprocessing system
abbr., vet.med., med. Behavior Analysis Training System; Biosafety Research and Assessment of Technology Impacts of the Swiss Priority Program Biotechnology
mil. ballistic aerial target system; bulk-filtering acquisition and tracking system
Nasdaq Batteries Batteries, Inc.
bats: 177 phrases in 12 subjects
Hobbies and pastimes1
Life sciences3
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Natural sciences3