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comp., MS schrijven
el. schrijven
IT tech. schrift; schrijfbewerking
or | oral testimony
 oral testimony
polit. law getuigenbewijs; bewijs door getuigen
| given
med. geef; men geve; detur
| under
gen. onder
oath in front of an | authorized
comp., MS autoriseren
| third person
 third person
law commer. fin. derde
| like
comp., MS vind ik leuk
| a
polit. agric. tech. are
court reporter | Depositions
environ. afzetting
| take
agric. construct. rapen
| place
comp., MS Locaties
| outside
construct. exterieur
of the | court
law gerecht
They | allow
comp., MS Toestaan
| the parties
 the parties
law commer. de partijen
| to
el. vertragen
| get
life.sc. bewerking
| a record
 A record
comp., MS A-record
of a | person
econ. natuurlijke personen
s testimony or | to
el. vertragen
| get
life.sc. bewerking
testimony from | a
polit. agric. tech. are
| witness
law market. getuigen
that | lives
el. onder spanning staand
far | away
comp., MS Afwezig
They | can
gen. blikken doos
| help
IT engl. help
| the lawyers
 the lawyers
law leden van de rechtbank en advocaten
prepare their | court
law gerecht
| papers
arts. papier
| called
gen. geroepen
| pleadings
polit. law processtuk
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

verb | adjective | to phrases
writing ['raɪtɪŋ] v
el. schrijven
IT, tech. schrift; schrijfbewerking
write [raɪt] v
comp., MS schrijven (To transfer information either to a storage device, such as a disk, or to an output device, such as the monitor or a printer. Writing is the means by which a computer provides the results of processing. A computer can also be said to write to the screen when it displays information on the monitor)
written adj. ['rɪtn] adj.
gen. schriftelijk
 English thesaurus
written ['rɪtn] adj.
gen. write
Written or oral: 2 phrases in 1 subject