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law Verdragen
fin. Verdrag
construct. overeenkomst
environ. verdrag
| between
construct. twijfelaar
the | Kingdom of Belgium
 Kingdom of Belgium
gen. België
the | Kingdom of Denmark
 Kingdom of Denmark
gen. Denemarken
the | Federal Republic of Germany
 Federal Republic of Germany
geogr. Bondsrepubliek Duitsland
the | Hellenic Republic
 Hellenic Republic
geogr. Helleense Republiek
the | Kingdom of Spain
 Kingdom of Spain
geogr. Koninkrijk Spanje
the | French Republic
 French Republic
geogr. Franse Republiek
| Ireland
econ. Ierland
the | Italian Republic
 Italian Republic
geogr. Italiaanse Republiek
the Gran Duchy of Luxemburg the | Kingdom of the Netherlands
 Kingdom of the Netherlands
geogr. Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
the | Portuguese Republic
 Portuguese Republic
geogr. Portugese Republiek
the United Kingdom of | Great Britain
 Great Britain
gen. Groot-Brittannië
| and
comp., MS EN
| Northern Ireland
 Northern Ireland
econ. Noord-Ierland
| and
comp., MS EN
the | Kingdom of Norway
 Kingdom of Norway
geogr. Koninkrijk Noorwegen
the | Republic of Austria
 Republic of Austria
geogr. Republiek Oostenrijk
the | Republic of Finland
 Republic of Finland
geogr. Republiek Finland
the | Kingdom of Sweden
 Kingdom of Sweden
geogr. Koninkrijk Zweden
concerning the | accession
law recht van natrekking
of the | Kingdom of Norway
 Kingdom of Norway
geogr. Koninkrijk Noorwegen
the | Republic of Austria
 Republic of Austria
geogr. Republiek Oostenrijk
the | Republic of Finland
 Republic of Finland
geogr. Republiek Finland
| and
comp., MS EN
the | Kingdom of Sweden
 Kingdom of Sweden
geogr. Koninkrijk Zweden
| to
el. vertragen
the | European Union
 European Union
econ. Europese Unie
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
Treaties n
law Verdragen
treaty ['tri:tɪ] n
law verdrag n
treaty An international agreement in writing between two states or a number of states. Treaties are binding in international law; some treaties create law only for those states that are parties to them n
environ. verdrag n
Treaty ['tri:tɪ] n
fin. Verdrag n
treaty ['tri:tɪ] v
construct. overeenkomst (contract)
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the: 1 phrase in 1 subject