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TNO | Strategic
gen. strategisch
| Surveys
automat. bewaken
hydraul. landmeten
gen. geodesie; ingenieursdiensten
construct. karteren; opmeten van het terrein; landmeetkunde
life.sc. opmeting
nat.sc. agric. industr. landmeten
| Staff
 <-> staff
survey. baak
| Group
math. groep

to phrases
 English thesaurus
TNO abbr.
abbr. Trans Neptunian Object; Theater Nuclear Option; transneptunian object (транснептуновый объект 'More)
abbr., amer. Trust no one (Val_Ships)
abbr., avia. Tamarindo, Costa Rica
abbr., el. transfer on no overflow
abbr., footb. Tennessee Oilers
abbr., inet. Tri Newbies Online; Tuzla Night Owl
abbr., media. The Network Observer
abbr., mil. Trust No One
abbr., mil., avia. technical note
abbr., st.exch. True North Communications
abbr., tradem. The Neopian Orphanage; The Netherlands Organization
abbr., trucks Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (amorgen)
tech. track number
tno abbr.
abbr. thermonuclear
TNO: 12 phrases in 4 subjects
Materials science1
Physical sciences1