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Pertains to
 pertaining to
law betrekking hebben op
an | organization
gen. organisatie
econ. vennootschap
environ. organisatie; het inrichten/regelen; inrichting
lab.law. bedrijfstakorganisatie
| structure
IT layoutstructuur
transp. avia. casco
| force
earth.sc. kracht
or | action
comp., MS actie
| grouping
transp. nautic. groepage
| personnel
gen. personeel
| and
comp., MS EN
| assets
comp., MS activum
belonging to | at
IT social.sc. apestaart
least two different | services
dialys. dienstverlenend
| and
comp., MS EN
wich | conducts
el. stroomgeleidend
| a
polit. agric. tech. are
| given
med. geef
| mission
gen. dienstreis
| under
gen. onder
the | command
commun. commando
of a | single
med. op een zetten
| commander
social.sc. Commandeur
2 | Pertains to
 pertaining to
law betrekking hebben op
| a
polit. agric. tech. are
| specific
med. specificum
| organization
econ. vennootschap
whose | managed
comp., MS beheren
| and
comp., MS EN
administrated | personnel
gen. personeel
| and
comp., MS EN
| assets
comp., MS activum
| are
math. asymptotische relatieve efficiëntie
| placed
industr. construct. chem. inzetten
for | employment
environ. werkgelegenheid
| purposes
ling. doel
| within
gen. in
various | armed forces
 armed forces
econ. krijgsmacht
Its own | personnel
gen. personeel
| and
comp., MS EN
| assets
comp., MS activum
| enable
gen. werkzaam maken
it in its | specific
med. specificum
| area
comp., MS gebied
| and
comp., MS EN
| under
gen. onder
| normal conditions
 normal conditions
transp. avia. normale omstandigheden
| to
el. vertragen
ensure the forces’ support as well as | to
el. vertragen
provide | a
polit. agric. tech. are
| complement
transp. bemanning
| to
el. vertragen
| support
math. support
| set ups
meas.inst. theodolietplaatsing
in times of | crisis
med. acme
or | war
econ. oorlog
for the benefit of | the task forces
 the Task-Force
gen. Taskforce
| operating
commun. el. aanspreken
| on
earth.sc. el. ingeschakeld
| a
polit. agric. tech. are
| theatre
construct. schouwburg
There | are
math. asymptotische relatieve efficiëntie
the | Health Service
 health service
health. dienst op het gebied van de gezondheidszorg
| and
comp., MS EN
the POL | Services
dialys. dienstverlenend
3 | Adjective
tech. el. AE
used to | describe
ling. beschrijven
| activities
gen. activiteit
| operations
comp., MS bewerking
| and
comp., MS EN
| organisations
econ. vennootschap
in which | elements
construct. as
of | at
IT social.sc. apestaart
least two | services
dialys. dienstverlenend
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
pertaining to [pə'teɪnɪŋtə]
law betrekking hebben op
Pertains to: 4 phrases in 3 subjects