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gen. Hoofddirectie
2 | Competitiveness
econ. concurrentievermogen
| Lisbon Strategy
 Lisbon Strategy
econ. social.sc. R&D. strategie van Lissabon; Lissabonstrategie
| Industry
comp., MS Branche
gen. arbeidsbedrijven
econ. industr. construct. onderneming
environ. industrie
| Research
arts. onderzoek
| Information Society
 information society
econ. informatiemaatschappij
| and
comp., MS EN
- only individual words found

adjective | noun | to phrases
Directorate [d(a)ɪ'rekt(ə)rɪt] adj.
gen. Hoofddirectie
directorate [d(a)ɪ'rekt(ə)rɪt] adj.
gen. directoraat
 English thesaurus
Directorate [d(a)ɪ'rekt(ə)rɪt] abbr.
abbr. Dte (smovas)
directorate [d(a)ɪ'rekt(ə)rɪt] n
mil., abbr. dir
Directorate 2 - Competitiveness , Lisbon Strategy, Industry, Research , Information Society and: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Obsolete / dated2