
   English Dutch
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gen. Raad
fish.farm. Raad
polit. Raad van de Europese Unie; Raad van ministers
law econ. ontwikkelingsraad
| Regulation
gen. verordening
arts. reglement
econ. verordening
No 539 2001 of 15 | March
econ. Marche
2001 | listing
industr. construct. breed spindelband
the | third countries
 third country
econ. derde land
whose | nationals
econ. staatsburger
| must
agric. most
| be
- only individual words found

to phrases
Council ['kauns(ə)l] n
gen. Raad m
polit. Raad van de Europese Unie; Raad van ministers
Council of the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation ['kauns(ə)l] n
fish.farm. Raad van de Organisatie voor de instandhouding van zalm in de Noord-Atlantische Oceaan
council ['kauns(ə)l] n
law raad van beheer
council development ['kauns(ə)l] n
law, econ. ontwikkelingsraad
 English thesaurus
Council ['kauns(ə)l] n
polit. Council of the European Union (Alexander Matytsin)
council ['kauns(ə)l] n
mil., abbr. cncl
Council Regulation No 539/2001 of 15 March 2001 listing the third countries whose nationals must be
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Immigration and citizenship1