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non | medicated
med. medicare; curare
| preparations
gen. preparazione
agric. lavoro preliminare; lavoro preparatorio; preparato; prodotto
chem. miscela
med. preparato anatomico
| for
gen. come
| the
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
| application
comp., MS domanda di lavoro
| to, conditioning
 to condition
met. condizionare
| and
gen. e
| care of
 care of
commun. all'attenzione di
| hair
med. capelli
| scalp
med. cuoio capelluto
| skin
fish.farm. spellamento
| and
gen. e
| n
tech. law Nano
- only individual words found

to phrases
 English thesaurus
NON [nɔn-] abbr.
abbr. Never Order Napkins; Norse, Old
abbr., astronaut. negative orbital normal
abbr., avia. Nonouti, Republic Of Kiribati
abbr., el. negative orbit normal; nitride/oxide/nitride stack; normally on
tech. notice of nonconformance
Non [nɔn-] abbr.
abbr., oil Nonionella
Non. prep.
lat. Nonae ("Nones")
non -medicated preparations for the application to, conditioning and care of hair, scalp, skin and: 1 phrase in 1 subject