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management group
comp., MS gruppo di gestione (The basic functional unit of an Operations Manager 2007 implementation that can perform monitoring. It must contain a SQL Server 2005 database server, a Root Management Server, one or more Operations Consoles and one or more agents. In addition it can also contain a Reporting Server, gateway server, Audit Collection Services server, and additional collector management servers)
fin. consorzio di collocamento; consorzio di direzione; sindacato di collocamento
Management Group
comp., MS Gruppo di gestione (A collection of all the components of an SCE deployment, consisting of a Management Server, a database server, at least one console, and managed objects. By default, the Management Group name is set by SCE during setup, using the format _MG)
management group: 27 phrases in 9 subjects
Food industry1
Name of organization10
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Textile industry1