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chem. becco della siviera; base
industr. construct. met. orlo della bocca
med. labello; labbro
met. becco; dilatamento
industr. construct. rivestimento degli spigoli; bordatura
mater.sc. giunto dentato
| of
gen. di
| tyre
transp. mech.eng. gomma

noun | verb | verb | noun | abbreviation | to phrases
lip [lɪp] n
gen. labbro m
agric., mech.eng. doccia f
chem. base m
construct. piegatura del bordo
hobby, transp. imboccature periferiche di gonfiamento
industr., construct., met. orlo della bocca
lips n
IT deduzioni logiche al secondo; inferenze logiche al secondo
lip [lɪp] v
chem. becco della siviera (of a ladle)
med. labello; labbro (labium)
met. becco; dilatamento
lipping v
industr., construct. rivestimento degli spigoli; bordatura
mater.sc. giunto dentato
mater.sc., industr., construct. piastrella fuori livello
 English thesaurus
LIP [lɪp] abbr.
abbr., auto. lithium-ion polymer battery (ВВладимир)
abbr., avia. laser illumination pod; limited installation program
abbr., bank. loan interest payments (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. latent information parameter; light-gun input program
abbr., fr., avia. Laboratorio de Tecnologia de la Propulsion
abbr., IT Loop initialization Process
abbr., mil. long-term infrastructure programme
abbr., mil., avia. large internet packet; lethality improvement program
energ.ind., abbr. local instrumentation panel
insur., abbr. life insurance policy
LIP [lɪp] abbr.
abbr. Large Internet Packet
abbr., avia. Lins, Sao Paulo, Brazil
abbr., commer. Low Involvement Product (Marketingspeak for a product which doesn't requiere much thought before purchase. Interex)
abbr., comp., MS Language Interface Pack (Yerkwantai)
abbr., comp., net. Large Internet Packets
abbr., ed. Life In Perspective
abbr., IT Loop Initialization Primitive
abbr., med. Lateral Interpositus Nucleus
abbr., physiol. Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia
abbr., qual.cont. linear integer programming
abbr., transp. Limited Implementation Program
comp. line interface processor
Lip [lɪp] abbr.
abbr. lipid (Vosoni)
LIP [lɪp] abbr.
abbr., busin. linear integral programming
abbr., earth.sc. large igneous province; last interglacial period; lithology interpretation profile
abbr., IT loop initialization protocol
abbr., O&G. tech. lower intervention package (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil local injection plants
lip: 146 phrases in 21 subjects
Cultural studies1
Earth sciences1
Fish farming pisciculture14
Health care5
Life sciences3
Mechanic engineering5
Social science1