
   English Italian
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gen. danneggiare; fare male a; male
law danno
| to
gen. a; con; contro; di; fino a; verso
| the
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
| environment
comp., MS ambiente

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
harm [hɑ:m] n
gen. danneggiare f; fare male a; male m
law danno m
law, fin., transp. danni m
 English thesaurus
HARM [hɑ:m] abbr.
abbr. Hot And Ready Man
abbr., avia. high speed anti-radar missile; high speed anti-radiation missile
abbr., el., scient. High-speed Anti-Radar Missile
abbr., mil. High-Speed Anti-radiation Missile; high-speed antiradiation missile harm
abbr., mil., air.def. high altitude anti-radiation missile
abbr., mus. Humanity Against Rap Music
abbr., nano high-aspect ratio micromachining
abbr., nautic., scient. Hazardous Atmospheric Release Model
abbr., scottish High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile
abbr., tradem. Halifax Adventure Racing Machines
mil. high acceleration rocket missile; high-speed antiradiation missile
tech. harmonic; high-speed antiradar missile
harm [hɑ:m] abbr.
abbr., busin. harmony
Harm. abbr.
abbr. Harmon's Upper Canada Common
law Harmon's Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports
harm. abbr.
abbr., math. harmonic
HARM [hɑ:m] abbr.
abbr., avia. highspeed anti-radiation missile
abbr., space high acceleration rocket-missile
harm: 25 phrases in 10 subjects
Criminal law3
Health care4
Immigration and citizenship3
Social science1