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noun | verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
fit [fɪt] n
comp., MS corrispondenza f (Something that fits, or is suitable or appropriate, for a situation)
med. attacco m; accesso m
tech. aggiustaggio m; aggiustamento m
transp., mech.eng. regolazione f
to fit [fɪt] n
commun., met. aggiustare
industr., construct., mech.eng. manutenzione della lama di una sega
fit [fɪt] v
gen. adatto; in forma; montare; andare bene a
med. parossismo; crisi epilettica; crisi
met. tolleranza; gioco
textile accoppiamento
fitter ['fɪtə] adj.
industr., construct. montatore
 English thesaurus
fit [fɪt] abbr.
abbr. fighter; fitting-out; free of income tax
FIT [fɪt] abbr.
abbr. fault isolation test; Federal Information Technologies, inc.; Field Interactive Training; Fit and Independent Traveler; Fitness Introductory Training; Flagship Initiative Training (Karabas); Flexibility Inclusiveness And Teambuilding; Flexible Innovative And Trainable; Flinders Innovative Technology; Food Internet and Television; For Information Translation; Form Interactive Technology; Future Infantry Technologies; raintight; real time
abbr., commer. Fault Isolation Tree
abbr., EBRD Financial Institutions Team
abbr., file.ext. File Index Table (Windows NT); File Information Table; Flexible Image Transport System Graphics and data; Graphic format (FITS Vosoni)
abbr., med. Fart In Transit (gas Seen In The Intestines On An Abdominal Film); fecal immunochemical test (harser); Functional Interdisciplinary And Therapeutic
abbr., mil., WMD field investigation team
abbr., nautic. Free In Trimmed
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. fabrication-in-transit
abbr., O&G, sakh. First Intervention team
abbr., oil formation integrity test (andrushin); formation interval flow test; formation interval tester
abbr., opt. flexible infrared transmission
abbr., progr. Framework for Integrated Tests (ssn)
mil. far-infrared tracking; field installation test; field integrated tests; forward inspection team
tech. fabrication, integration and test; failure in 109 component hours; far-infrared track; fault isolation testing; fixed interval timer; flexible-infrared transmissive waveguide; flight instrument trainer; flow indicator transmitter; functional integration test
fit [fɪt] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. filter
biol. filter; filtration
FIT [fɪt] abbr.
abbr. function-independent testing; Federal Income Tax; Fireman In Training; Focused Industry Training; Foreign Independent Travel; Frequent Independent Traveller; Fully Inclusive Tour; Fully Independent Traveller
abbr., agric. Farm Implements and Tools
abbr., avia. Flight Information Terminal; flight inspection technologist; fan inlet temperature; fault initiated test; first computer interface tester; failure in testing (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., IT Failures In Time
abbr., ed., scient. Faculty Of Information Technology
abbr., el. failure-in-time (rate); finite integration technique; floating input transistor; Fourier infrared transmission; frame interline transfer (structure); function independent testing; failures per interval of time; failure in 109 component hours; frame interlace transfer
abbr., el., scient. Failure unit; Filtering Integration Technology
abbr., energ.ind. feed-in tariff (MichaelBurov)
abbr., inet. Fashion Institute Of Technology
abbr., IT Folding Integrated Technology; Forum For Information Technology
abbr., law Females In Trouble
abbr., med. Fracture Intervention Trial (MichaelBurov)
abbr., media. Film Industry Training
abbr., mil. Force Integration Training; First In Training; Flight In Training
abbr., mil., air.def. far infrared track
abbr., mil., avia. facility for interoperability testing
abbr., O&G wireline formation test
abbr., plast. flash ignition temperature
abbr., progr., IT Flexible Image Transport; Framework For Integrated Tests
abbr., scient. Frequency Intensity Time
abbr., sport. Focusing In Technique
abbr., st.exch. Fab Industries, Inc.
abbr., tradem. Focused Individual Training
Fit [fɪt] abbr.
abbr. fitting
Fit. abbr.
abbr. fitting
FIT [fɪt] abbr.
abbr., avia. filament; flexible interface technique
abbr., busin. fitting; foreign independent tour; free into truck; foreign travel tax
abbr., earth.sc. Fourier Integral Transform; front, intertropical
abbr., exhib. free independent traveler
abbr., oil fast inspection of tool; federal income tax; feed injection technology; field installation time; first indication of trouble; fluid identification tool; free in truck
abbr., pharma. Fact Finding Investigation Team (AlSeNo)
abbr., space failure in time
abbr., swim. fast interval training
abbr., textile Fashion Institute of Technology
: 157 phrases in 27 subjects
Earth sciences1
Health care1
Hobbies and pastimes1
Information technology8
Labor law25
Loading equipment1
Materials science11
Mechanic engineering6
Municipal planning1
Natural sciences1
Pharmacy and pharmacology2