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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
dig [dɪg] n
gen. estrarre
dig [dɪg] v
gen. scavare
agric. vangare; zappare
industr., construct., met. fossetta
digging ['dɪgɪŋ] v
agric. vangatura; zappatura
agric., construct. altezza di dragaggio; altezza di scavo
to dig [dɪg] v
agric. vangare
 English thesaurus
dig [dɪg] abbr.
abbr. digest; digital
agric. digging
dig. abbr.
abbr. digging
abbr., anim.husb. digestion
DIG [dɪg] abbr.
abbr. Deputy Inspector General
abbr., astr., scient. Dwarf Irregular Galaxy
abbr., auto. direct injection gasoline
abbr., automat. digit
abbr., drug.name Digoxin
abbr., el. digital image generator; digital input gate option
abbr., file.ext. Digital Input Gate
abbr., inet. Domain Internet Groper
abbr., IT domain information groper
abbr., sport. Desert Island Gamers
abbr., st.exch. Deeper Into God
abbr., tradem. Digital Imaging Group
abbr., vet.med., med. Dog Identification Group
meteorol., scient. Drought information for Georgia
mil. delivery indicator group; detonator inspection gauge; digital image generation
DIGS [dɪgz] abbr.
abbr. Deutsch In Genfer Schulen; Defense Information Guidance Series
abbr., earth.sc. digital imaging of geological survey report system; dynamics of iceberg grounding and scouring
abbr., el. disorder-induced gap state (model)
abbr., mil., avia. Delta inertial guidance system
abbr., space digital image generation simulator; digital inertial guidance system
Nasdaq Digs, Inc.
Dig. abbr.
abbr. Digest; Digesta
digs [dɪgz] abbr.
abbr., amer. living quarters (slang Val_Ships)
inf. diggings
DIG [dɪg] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. digestion
abbr., O&G, casp. Data Information Group (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., space directional gyro; display/indicator group
: 38 phrases in 12 subjects
Earth sciences1
Life sciences1
Mechanic engineering3
Natural sciences2
Sound recording1