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debt service
 debt service
econ. environ. restituzione del debito
econ. fin. servizio del debito
environ. restituzione del debito
| ratio
pharma. Rapporto
earth.sc. life.sc. transp. similitudine
econ. rapporto
med. proporzione
stat. quoziente

to phrases
debt service ['det'sɜ:vɪs]
econ., environ. restituzione del debito
econ., fin. servizio del debito
debt servicing
econ., fin. servizio del debito
debt service The fees or amount of money necessary to pay interest on an outstanding debt, the principal of maturing serial bonds, and the required contributions to an amortization or sinking fund for term bonds ['det'sɜ:vɪs]
environ. restituzione del debito
debt service: 28 phrases in 4 subjects