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ch [,si:'eɪtʃ] abbr.
tech. catena metrica
 English thesaurus
CH [,si:'eɪtʃ] abbr.
abbr. chain home radar
abbr., busin. candle hour; case hardened; certificate of health; channel bar; checkered; cheese; chemistry; cheque; choice; clearance and handling origin; crash; counting house; customs house
abbr., commer. chamber
abbr., earth.sc. case-harden; case-hardening; chisel; chloritoid; coastal harbor; coastal harbour; concentration of hydrogen; constant head; continental high
abbr., ed. credit hours (графа "зачетные часы" в Транскрипте Johnny Bravo)
abbr., footb. center half
abbr., IT call hour; circuit-hour; cycle header
abbr., med. Conradi-Hünermann (syndrome)
abbr., oil cable head; calibration half-scale; carbohydrate; cargo hatch; cargo hold; case hardening; case histories; cased casing hole; casinghead (casing head); chairman; character; chenier; chlorinated hydrocarbons; clamp hub; closed head; closed hole; conductor head; coring hole; cross-hole; highly plastic clays; Switzerland
abbr., space carrier hopping; correspondent host
oil, abbr. checkered plate
ch [,si:'eɪtʃ] abbr.
abbr. change; chaplain; chapter; charge; charges; chart; check; chief; child
abbr., auto. coupler height
abbr., earth.sc. chemical deposit; chondrite
abbr., math. hyperbolic cosine
abbr., med. cheilion; pl. children; choking; wheelchair
IT chain
ch. abbr.
abbr. chain; charge; choke; check
abbr., earth.sc. channel
abbr., econ. charges
qual.cont. choice
.ch abbr.
file.ext. Switzerland
CH [,si:'eɪtʃ] abbr.
abbr. Aviation Cruiser; Cab Heater; Cabbage Head; Captain Hypnosis; Cardboard Heroes; Carnegie Hall; Case Harden; cast house (dmipec); Ceiling Height; Central Heating; Chamberlain Hall; Chicago Operations Office; Children's House; Chile Fund, Inc.; Christian Herman; Christine Hall; CHronic; ClearingHouse; Clock Hours; Colloquial Hebrew; Common Hardware; Communication Helmet; Companion of Honour; Compare HDLC; Complementary Health; Component Header; Confederation Of Helvetia; Consistent Histories; Constraint Handler; Contact Handled; Contact Hours; Continuum Hypothesis; Control H; Controlled Humidity; Council House; Counter Hit; Course Handicap; Court House; CourtHouse; Critical Hours; Cropper Hopper; Custom House; Customs House; the Carnegie Hall
abbr., auto. cab height above the chassis height; chassis; chassis ground; cooling/ heat; dark blue
abbr., avia. center hat rack (Interex); coming home (режим автопилота для БПЛА Sergey Old Soldier); critical height; change request; chemical analysis; chromel; comparator vertical rate; complaint handling; high cloud
abbr., biol. crownwheel
abbr., BrE Chaplain to the Forces
abbr., commun. coin-operated telephone; client name; client management
abbr., econ. checked (by)
abbr., el. chain home; call handling; cassette handler; circular harmonic; contact hole; continuous Hopfield network
abbr., file.ext. CA Clipper Header file; Clipper language header (CA Clipper Vosoni); OS/2 Configuration file
abbr., IT control beading
abbr., med. Centre Hospitalier; Chediak-Higashi (syndrome); Chido (antibody); Chief; Child; Choline; Chromosome; Chronic; Chronic Hepatitis; Common Hepatic (duct); Congenital Hypothyroidism; chloral hydrate; classic viral hepatitis; communicating hydrocele; Convalescent Hospital; crown-heel (length of fetus); hemolytic complement; congenital hypothyroidism; corneal hysteresis
abbr., met. case-hardened; case hardening
abbr., mil. Chief (составная часть акронимов CH/ PX_Ranger); contingency hospital
abbr., O&G core head (Пахно Е.А.)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. hydrazine solution
abbr., oil cased hole; casing head
abbr., polit. China (Peoples Republic of)
abbr., railw. Organisme des Chemins de fer helleniques
abbr., scottish type abbreviation Helicopter cruiser; China, People's Rep. (NATO country code)
abbr., shipb. coaming hatch; corvette hydrofoil
abbr., soil. chernozem
abbr., tax. clearance and handling fees (авиаперевозка Yuriy83)
abbr., tech. central heating (Natalya Rovina)
energ.ind. complex tension
FBI. Channelized
invest. clearing house
meteorol. Chinese
mil. cargo helicopter; combat helicopter; compass heading; cross hairs
O&G compressor house
physiol. Characteristic
physiol., med. Chest
sport. Champion
tech. cable hut; choke; color holography; complex hologram; contact-handled; control heading; control heading data; cyclohexane
Ch [,si:'eɪtʃ] abbr.
abbr. chaldron; capacity of hole; channel; China; Church; Comm Sect chief communications section
abbr., commer. Chilean Peso
abbr., earth.sc. chalcopyrite; Chile; chitinous; chromspinel
abbr., el. cholesterol
abbr., med. Christchurch (chromosome)
abbr., med., lat. chirurgia
abbr., oil chambersite; chert; chlorite; chromite; chromspinell
med. French Unit (Dimpassy)
O&G character ratio (фазовое состояние флюида MichaelBurov)
Ch. abbr.
abbr. chaldron; chemistry; chemical; chief; China; Chinese; Chancery
abbr., libr. Christian
energ.ind. chairman
insur. Charterer
law chapter
UK Law Reports, Chancery
CH. abbr.
railw. card holder
cH [,si:'eɪtʃ] abbr.
abbr. cental
CH/ abbr.
abbr., mil. Chief (составная часть акронимов PX_Ranger)
Ch$ abbr.
abbr., oil Chilean Peso
: 15 phrases in 8 subjects
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